Saturday, March 26, 2011

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [24]

ကိုယ့္အေသ ကိုယ္ရႈ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). [no date]
To rescue oneself by vipassana practice; disadvantages of being lazy to listen to Dhamma talk and to do meditation; uprooting kilesa in accordance with Nana. Listen to #
စိတ္ကိုျဖဴစင္ေစသည္႔ နည္းေျခာက္မ်ိဳး တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw). Yangon, [no date]
Importance of keeping one's mind pure; how to check own consciousness; methods of purifying one's mind. Listen to #
ဓမၼအေမြ / Ashin Javana (Metta Shin). Yangon, [no date]
Advising to do regular merit (Acinna Kamma); explanation of Namotassa prayer and five precepts; benefits of Three Refuges and example; result of Amisa and Dhamma inheritances with variety of stories; what Sotapanna; Pannatti, Paramattha and Nibbana mean; religious questions and answers. Listen to #
နားကတရားနာ ဥာဏ္ကခႏၶာလွည့္ သူေ႒းသား ကာလ ဥပမာျပ တရားေတာ္ / U Dhammasara (Hsinphyukyun Sayadaw). Hsinphyukyun, Sep 3, 1986.
Mentioning: the persecution of kilesa; following Noble Eightfold Path; observing the six places that khandha appears by Nana to discard Ditthi. Listen to #
ဘဝဆိုတာ ကိုယ္အရႈံးေပးမွ ရႈံးတာပါ / Ashin Javana (Metta Shin). Yangon, 1367 (B. E.)
How older people have more defilements (Kilesa) than younger ones; what “loser” is; success of hardworking disabled; comparison of leader and follower, scupulous and mean persons; necessity of giving Dhamma inheritance are mentioned with various colourful stories. Listen to #
ဘုရားအႀကိဳက္ဆုံး ပူေဇာ္နည္း တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). [no date]
How practising vipassana is the best way to worshipping the Buddha, two Dhamma that occur in loka. Listen to #
မီရုံေလး / U Sumangala (Daeou Sayadaw). Mandalay, Jan 21, 2007.
Suffering, happiness or whatever it may be all depend upon one's consciousness. One should never hesitate to perform dana, sila and bhavana. With good consciousness a little merit might create much benefit. Example story_Adinnapuppaka Brahmin and his son, Matthakundali. Listen to #
ေမတၱာ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw). Yangon, Aug 30, 2004.
Defining Metta, Metta Bhavana and Jana; two Metta Bhavana: (1) Odissavakarana Metta, (2) Anodissavakarana Metta and how to practise them; benefits of Metta Bhavana. Listen to #
ယခုလုပ္ / U Sumangala (Daeou Sayadaw). Mandalay, Jan 22, 2007.
How the Buddha instructed his son Rahula to practise Vipassana upon five aggregates. Instruction on Anapana Kamatthana (insight meditation) by Venerable Sariputta to Rahula. And the prompt action of Rahula that one should follow. Listen to #
သုညတတရားနာမွ သုညတ နိဗၺာန္ေရာက္မည္ တရားေတာ္ / U Dhammasara (Hsinphyukyun Sayadaw). Hsinphyukyun, Sep 4, 1986.
Facts to attain Sotapanna; having judicious consideration to realize Khandha as it is (i.e. Khandha's nothingness) with reference to “Mogaraja Bhikkhu”. Listen to #

Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [23]

ဒုကၡရင္းကာ သုခရွာ / Bhaddanta Vayaminda (Myauk-u Sayadaw). Mandalay, September 24, 2007.
Encouraging to invest dhamma; the consequences of not realizing Sacca; to be patient with six senses whenever they appear until one attains Nibbana i.e. investing Dukkha to gain Sukha. Listen more to #
ႏွစ္ဦးကာလ ဓမၼလက္ေဆာင္ / Dr. Bhaddanta Nandamalabhivamsa (Rector, ITBMU). Yangon, [no date]
Description of: four happiness that people can have and the best one among them; true blessing; Sampatti sekka. Also, encouraging to follow the Buddha's teaching and obtain Saddha, Sila, Caga and Panna. Listen more to #
ျပဳႏိုင္ခဲ့တဲ့အလွဴဒါန တရားေတာ္ / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhammaduta). Bago, July 5, 2009.
Buddha's objective of Dana; explanation of Nibatta Dana (Continuous donation), Pekkhita Dana (Fortnightly donation) and Dukkara Dana (a rare type of donation). Listen more to #
ရာဟုလာကိုအေမြေပးေသာတရားေတာ္ / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhammaduta). Bago, September 7, 2009.
Explanation of “Ambalatthika Rahulovada Sutta”: teaching of Buddha to Rahula, mainly to abstain from telling lies, to consider before one's deed, word or thought and to do merit and avoid evil at all times giving water in a foot-wash basin, a mirror and a well-grown male fighter elephant as examples. Listen more to #
ရႈကြက္၊ ရႈခ်က္ ပိုင္ပါေစ / Bhaddanta Vayaminda (Myauk-u Sayadaw). Mandalay, September 20, 2007.
How to correspond meditating point with meditation; to be like dumb, blind and sick person during meditation. Listen more to #
ေသမင္းတမန္ သတ္နည္း တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). [no date]
Instruction to uproot Tanha, Upadana and Kamma_the messengers of death by Magga. Listen more to #
အေကာင္းဆံုးလက္ေဆာင္ / Dr. Bhaddanta Nandamalabhivamsa (Rector, ITBMU). Yangon, [no date]
Explanation of human life span in decade; to consider oneself until realizing the changes within a second; realization of truth as it is; advising to meditate at present time. Listen more to #
အဖံုးႏွစ္ခ်ပ္ဖြင့္ၾကည့္မွ နိဗၺာန္ၿမင္ရပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). Mogok, June 18, 1962.
Describing the removal of 1. Avijja and Tanha, 2. Rising and falling Khandha which covers Nibbana i.e. realizing sacca; a Dhamma discussion about Nibbana made between King Videha and Ashin Nagasena. Listen more to #
ဣေႃႏၵထက္ေၾကာင္း တရားတက္ေၾကာင္း()ပါး () / Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhammaramsi Sayadaw). Yangon, 1353 (B.E.)
Observation of rupa and nama at the moment they appear; dispelling Pannatti and observing Paramattha; Vedananupassana practice in brief. Listen more to #
ဣေႃႏၵထက္ေၾကာင္း တရားတက္ေၾကာင္း()ပါး () / Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhammaramsi Sayadaw). Yangon, 1353 (B.E.)
Constant meditation; types of sampajanna; forward and backward meditation method in four aspects of deportment (i.e. walking, sitting, standing and reclining); benefits of worshipping the Buddha. Listen more to #

Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [22]

ခႏၶာကိုယ္အတြြင္း ဆရာမရွိ တပည္.မရွိေအာင္ က်င္.ရမည္.တရား / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). Amarapura, March 27, 1954.
One should neither has master nor follower in Magga and Phala practice; how loba (greed), dosa (anger) and moha (ignorance) within Khandha act both as master and follower. Listen more to #
ဓနပါလသူေ႒း / Ashin Pannajota (Taunsunn, Dhammaduta). Kyaikkaw, [no date]
Mentioning about Kamma and its result; consequences of good and evil deeds. Example story: “Danapala Satthi Peta”. Listen more to #
ဗုဒၶနည္းက်ခ်မ္းသာစြာေနထိုင္နည္း တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw). Yangon, [no date]
Describing the Buddha's ways of living happily and peacefully: (1) contentment (2) living now (at present time) (3) continuous observation of nama and rupa (the best one to practise). Listen more to #
ျမတ္စြာဘုရား၏ အဆုံးအမ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw). Yangon, [no date]
What Sasana means; the brief advices of the Buddhas; the best way to purify one's mind__ Satipatthana. Listen more to #
ေရခ်ိဳးျခင္းႏွင့္ သက္သတ္လြတ္ / Ashin Pannajota (Taunsunn, Dhammaduta). Yangon,1355 (B.E.)
Urging to do good deed and avoid evil deed with right consideration and to have a firm belief in three refuges, referring to the discussion of Ponna, a slave girl and a brahmin. Listen more to #
၀ိပႆနာရႈဖို႕ အႀကိမ္ႀကိမ္ မွာပုံ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). [no date]
Why Buddha advised repeatedly to perform Vipassana meditation; consequence of not performing Vipassana; defining sukha and dukkha by Venerable Sariputta. Listen more to #
ေဝဒနာႏုပႆနာ / Bhaddanta Vayaminda (Myauk-u Sayadaw). Yangon, Dec 8, 2007.
Characteristics of Vedana; three vedana: Sukha, Dukkha, Upekkha; Samika vedana and Niyamika vedana; Vedananupassana kamatthana. Example stories_Ashin Tissa, Putikayatissa Bhikkhu (Previously a bird-hunter). Listen more to #
သစၥာသိ၍ က်င့္သုံးရန္ / Bhaddanta Vayaminda (Myauk-u Sayadaw). Yangon, Dec 8, 2007.
Reasons to value Dhamma; to love oneself by doing much meritorious deeds. Preaching of Sumeda princess to Anikaratta prince. Listen more to #
အခ်ိန္ေႏွာင္းပါက / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhammaduta). Bago, October 4, 2009.
Advising to perform meditation with great effort while one is young and healthy. Example story_ “Ashin Tissa”. Listen more to #
အေႏွာင္အဖြဲ႔တရားေတာ္ / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhammaduta). Bago, September 26, 2009.
Description of the real attachment_Tanha (Craving), which puthujjana never realize and ignore to discard. Listen more to #

Posted by
Nyan U & Aye Sat

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [21]

ဘယသုတ္ေဒသနာေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw). Yangon, [no date]
Explanation of two dangers and Buddha's method to escape from them (i.e. practising the Noble Eightfold Path.) <Dhammadownload Mp3 Disc 04: 02>
လမ္းရွင္းေလမွ ရႈပြားရ / Ashin Pannajota (Taunsunn, Dhammaduta). Yangon, 1358 (B.E.)
Advising to perform Vipassana Bhavana only after realizing about Pannati & Paramattha, Atta and Anatta, Nama and Rupa, Cause and Effect. In addition, ways to perform Metta, Karuna and Mudita Bhavana; what vedana and disease mean and three vutta are also mentioned using slogans. <Dhammadownload Mp3 Disc 04: 05>
သခၤါရ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). [no date]
Encouraging to observe until one realizes Sankhara as Dukkha sacca to obtain Magga nana. <Dhammadownload သံေ၀ဂ (): 04>
သစၥာေလးပါး တရားေတာ္ / U Eindavudabhivamsa (Htoogyi Sayadaw). Aungpan, Jun 12, 2005.
Two Singara Rasa: Kamma and Dhamma Singara Rasa; changing Kamma Singara Rasa into Dhamma Singara Rasa, example story_ Upatissa and Kolita (future Venerable Sariputta and Moggallana). <Dhammadownload Mp3 DVD Disc 01: 10>
သည္းခံက်င့္ဟာ ျမတ္ဆုံးပါ / Ashin Pannajota (Taunsunn, Dhammaduta). Yangon, 1356 (B.E.)  
Explaining how forbearance (khanti) is the source of all merits and benefits of forbearance with various slogans and story of “Khanti vadi hermit” (Bodhisatta Gotama) and King Kalabu (Devadhatta-to-be). <Dhammadownload Mp3 Disc 04: 06>
သဒၶါ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhammaramsi Sayadaw). Yangon, 1363 (B.E.)
Description of saddha including: definition, types, resemblance and how to obtain Ajala saddha. Also omen shown to devas prior to death and instructions given to them by other devas; benefits of Dana and Satipatthana practice are mentioned. <Dhammadownload Mp3 Disc 01: 35>
အေမွာင္ ၅ စင္း အလင္း ၅ ခ်က္ [] (ပဋိစၥသမုပၸါဒ္ သင္တန္း) / U Eindavudabhivamsa (Htoogyi Sayadaw). Aungpan, Jun 16, 2005.
Describing Avijja darkness that covers Magga nana: Four Noble Truths, Khanda samsara, Uppapatti Bhava, and Bhava Dukkha. <Dhammadownload Mp3 DVD Disc 01: 17>
အာဇီဝ႒မကသီလ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw). Yangon, Aug 11, 2005.
Manifestation of Ajivatthamaka sila which is not familiar to Buddhists; differentiation of sila and vipassana. <Dhammadownload Mp3 Disc 04: 01>
ဣေႃႏၵထက္ေၾကာင္း တရားတက္ေၾကာင္း()ပါး () / Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhammaramsi Sayadaw). Yangon, 1353 (B.E.)
Benefits of vipassana meditation; difficulty of getting chance to practise vipassana; five Indrias; Saddhindria; striving to realize Anicca by keeping mind towards destruction. <Dhammadownload Mp3 Disc 01: 05>
အိပ္ျခင္းမွႏိုးၿပီး မဂၢင္ေဖာင္ျပင္ရန္ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). [no date]
Explaining the advantages of doing Vipassana and disadvantages of not doing it. <Dhammadownload သံေ၀ဂ (): 01>
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat