Friday, May 24, 2013

Theravada Audio Dhamma (14)

Acinna, Bhaddanta (Pa-Auk Sayadaw). ဒါန။ [Dana]. 12 June 2002.
Include: Chalanga Dana; types of Dana that the
Buddha liked most; the one who practises to
discard Raga, Dosa and Moha.  Listen more
Acinna, Bhaddanta (Pa-Auk Sayadaw). လိစၧဝီကုမာရက
သုတၱန္။ [Liccavikumaraka Sutta]. 19 July 1997.

Described: five ways of prosperity that the Bud-
dha preached to Liccavi princes; characteristics
of a person who will do to prosper; the teaching
which the Buddha repeatedly mentioned; five
eyes of
the Buddha.  Listen more
Silanandabhivamsa, Dr Ashin. ရတနာသုံးပါး။ [Triple Gems]. US, 10 Jun 1991.
Mentioned: the benefits of Saranagamana; fading
of Saranagamana; signs seen prior to death; what
to do for one who is near to death; The Buddha is
not God.  Listen more

Silanandabhivamsa, Dr Ashin. သင္တန္းမိတ္ဆက္။ [Introduction]. US, 9 Jun 1991.
Include: historical evidence of the Buddha;
explanation of Saranagamana; gist of Sarana-
gamana; ways of establishing Saranagamana;
breaking of Loki Sarana- gamana; three kinds
of discarding Kilesa.  Listen more

Vilasagga, Ashin (Saddhammaransi). စကား
ေကာင္းေကာင္း ေျပာ [Right Speech]. Yangon, 14 Jun 2005.

Include: right speech; importance of right speech;
speaking with mindfulness; four characteristics
to speak.  Listen more

Vilasagga, Ashin (Saddhammaransi). တရားအလုပ္ဆိုတာ သမၼာ ဒိ႒ိအလုပ္။ [The Work of Dhamma is a Sammaditthi]. [n.d.]
Explained: Sammaditthi, Micchaditthi and
Samutisacca; how Sammaditthi and Upada-
nakkhanda are formed; importance of Samma-
ditthi in Dhamma work; destroying the Atta
Ditthi system.  Listen more

Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dhammapada 19-20 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

I- Yamakavagga, The Pairs
14- Dvesahayakabhikkhu Vatthu
Bahumpi ce samhita bhasamano,
na takkaro hoti naro pamatto;
gopova gavo ganayam paresam,
na bhagava samannassa hoti.
Appampi ce samhita bhasamano,
dhammassa hoti anudhammacari;
raganca dosanca pahaya moham,
sammappajano suvimuttacitto;
anupadiyano idha va haram va,
sa bhagava samannassa hoti.
19: Though he recites much the Sacred Texts (Tipitaka), but is negligent and does not practise according to the Dhamma, like a cowherd who counts the cattle of others, he has no share in the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala).
20: Though he recites only a little of the Sacred Texts (Tipitaka), but practises according to the Dhamma, era- dicating passion, ill will and ignorance, clearly compre- hending the Dhamma, with his mind freed from moral defilements and no longer clinging to this world or to the next, he shares the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala).

Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.
Posted by Nyan U

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Theravada Audio Dhamma (13)

Candavara, Bhaddanta (Hlaing Mahasi Sayadaw). မီး
လြတ္စားေသာက္ နိဗၺာန္ေရာက္။ [Eating by Consideration with Wisdom]. Yangon, 17 Mar 1986.
Include: eleven fires and ten Kilesa; way of having food by consideration with wisdom and how it leads till Nibbana discarding all Kilesa.  Listen more
Candavara, Bhaddanta (Hlaing Mahasi Sayadaw). ဥပုသ္
သည္ငါးဦး တရားေတာ္။ [Five Persons who Observe
Uposatha Sila]. Yangon, 26 Dec 1986.
Referring to "Pancuposatha Jataka" (a story about five persons: hermit, pigeon, snake, fox, bear who observe Uposatha Sila), explained that keeping Sabbath is the tradition of wise people; reason of observing Uposatha Sila; quality of Vipassana practice; advantage of being in the Buddhist Era and disadvantage of being in period beyond the Buddhist Era.  Listen more
Jayatissa, Dr Ashin (Kothaung Sayadaw). စြဲလန္းမႈမွာ
ေၾကာက္ စရာ။ [Clinging is Fearful]. Yangon, 4 Mar 2009.
Explained: ten Kilesa; four types of Upadana (clinging); cause of clinging and how it is fearful giving the story of "Tissa Bhikkhu" as an example; way to avoid clinging.  Listen more
Jayatissa, Dr Ashin (Kothaung Sayadaw). ေမ႑ကသူေဌး။
[A Rich Man Mandaka]. Yangon, 5 Sep 2007.
With reference to a rich man Mandaka and his family member's story, mentioned: the similes of Dana; four facts in achieving dana; six features necessary to be a perfect Dana; four immediate benefits of Dana; advice to perform Dana, Sila and Bhavana in order to attain Nibbana.  Listen more
Pannasihabhivamsa, Ashin. စိတ္ဆုံးမပါမွ နိဗၺာန္ရ။ [Nibbana Can Only Be Attained by Disciplining One's Mind]. ၁၃၇၂။
Include: titles which are difficult to get; how mind is hard to discipline; way to discipline mind.  Listen more
Pannasihabhivamsa, Ashin. အေဝစၥပသာဒ။ [Avaccapasada]. ၁၃၇၂။
Described: the meaning of Aviccapasada; benefits of respecting elders and honourable persons; way of preventing from danger. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dhammapada 18 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

I- Yamakavagga, The Pairs
13- Sumanadevi Vatthu
Idha nandati pecca nandati,
katapunno ubhayattha nandati;
punnam me katanti nandati,
bhiyyo nandati suggatim gato.
18: Here he is happy, hereafter he is happy; one who performs meritorious deeds is happy in both existences. Happily he exclaims: I have done meritorious deeds." He is happier still when he is reborn in a higher world (suggati).
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.
Posted by Nyan U

Monday, May 6, 2013

Theravada Audio Dhamma (12)

Chandadhika, Ashin (Shweparamitoya). ေနရာတိုင္းဟာ ကိုယ့္ရိပ္ သာ။ [Every Place is a Meditation Centre]. 2011.
Giving “Therika Bhikkhuni” as an example, explained that every place is a meditation centre when one has mindfulness and wisdom at all times.  Listen more
Chandadhika, Ashin (Shweparamitoya). မေသခ်င္ရင္ အသက္႐ွဴပါ။ [Breathe If You Don't Want to Die]. 2011.
With respect to “Anapana Kammatthana”, mentioned, why it should be practised; how it is a versatile Kammatthana; its other names and benefits.  Listen more
Janakabhivamsa, Ashin (Chanmyay Sayadaw). မဂၤလာ
တရားေတာ္ႏွင့္ တရားနာရျခင္း အက်ိဳးငါးပါး။ [Blessing and
Benefits of Listening to Dhamma]. Yangon, [no date]
Why listening to Dhamma is a blessing; Virtue; objective of performing Dana; result of donating food, robe, monastery, vehicle and Dhamma.  Listen more
Janakabhivamsa, Ashin (Chanmyay Sayadaw). ပုဂၢိဳလ္
ေလးမ်ိဳး တရားေတာ္။ [Four Types of Person]. Yangon,
18 April 1999.
Defining Pakadupanissaya Paccaya; manifestation of four types of person.  Listen more
Saddhamma Kittisara, Bhaddanta (AungSan Sayadaw).
ေသမင္းကို စိန္ေခၚရာ ဓမၼာႏုပႆ       နာ။ [Dhammanupassana that Challenges the King of Marana]. Insein, 29 January 2011.
Explained: seven things to know to discard Ditthi; twelve Ayatana; Dhammanupassana practice; Miccha Ditthi.  Listen more
Saddhamma Kittisara, Bhaddanta (AungSan Sayadaw). ခႏၶာပဋိစၥ သမုပၸါဒ္ အစ ဆ အာယတန။ [Cha Ayatana_the Starting Point of Khandha Paticca Samuppada]. Insein, 29 January 2011.
Manifestation of twelve Ayatana; suitable meditation method for man and woman; benefits of walking meditation.  Listen more

Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat