Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ajivatthamaka Sila and Right Livelihood (Samma Ajiva)

It is enough to observe the Ajivatthamaka Sila once and for all. One has no need to repeat it again. But, it is essential for purification of a living as well as for no breakage of the 5 and 8 Buddhist precepts.

Ajiva” in Pali means any earned living for one's life. Unjust earning a living is called “Miccha-ajiva” in Pali. Justice in earning a living is known as Right Livelihood “Samma-ajiva”, with abstinence from injustice. So its definition is Ajivatthamaka Sila because of the eighth (atthama) precept in this sila.

From number 1 to 7 precepts out of 8, are the three physical actions (kaya kamma) and the four verbal actions (vaci kamma) of the ten wholesome deeds (punna kiriya vatthu).

Buddhist Five Precepts (Panca Sila) is nicca sila. One who commits it has certainly got misdeed, whether he observe or not. Likewise, Ajivatthamaka Sila also has definitely taken offence. That is why, every Buddhist devotee must do observe this precept persistently. One will never attain magga and phala unless his ajivatthamaka sila is safe.

As before in the Buddhist five precepts (Panca Sila), the four steps are repeated except steps 3 and 6. However, in asking for the Ajivatthamaka Sila, step 3 and step 6 have to change in substituting the respective set of words as follows:

3. Asking for the Ajivatthamaka Sila

Ahaṁ bhante, tisaraṇena saha, Ajivatthamaka Silaṁ, Dhammam yācāmi, anuggahaṁ katvā Sīlam detha, me bhante.
Dutiyampi, Ahaṁ bhante, tisaraṇena saha, Ajivatthamaka Silaṁ, Dhammam yācāmi, anuggahaṁ katvā Sīlam detha, me bhante.
Tatiyampi, Ahaṁ bhante, tisaraṇena saha, Ajivatthamaka Silaṁ, Dhammam yācāmi, anuggahaṁ katvā Sīlam detha, me bhante.

Venerable sir, I ask you for the Ajivatthamaka Sila together with the Three Refuges. Please have compassion for me and help the way to undertake the precepts.
For the second time, I ask you for the Ajivattthamaka Sila together with the Three Refuges. Please have compassion for me and help the way to undertake the precepts.
For the third time, I ask you for the Ajivatthamaka Sila together with the Three Refuges. Please have compassion for me and help the way to undertake the precepts.

Monk:Ya-mahaṁ vadāmi, taṁ vadetha.” _ Repeat what I say,
Devotee:Āma bhante.” _ Yes, Venerable sir.

6. Vowing to observe the Ajivatthamaka Sila
[1] Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
[1] I undertake the Precept to refrain from killing and injuring living beings.
[2] Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
[2] I undertake the Precept to refrain from taking what is not given.
[3] Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
[3] I undertake the Precept to refrain from sexual misconduct.
[4] Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
[4] I undertake the Precept to refrain from false and harmful speech.
[5] Pisuna vaca veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
[5] I undertake the Precept to refrain from backbiting.
[6] Pharusa vaca veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
[6] I undertake the Precept to refrain from using harsh or abusive speech.
[7] Samphappalapa veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
[7] I undertake the Precept to refrain from useless or meaningless conversation.
[8] Micchajiva veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
[8] I undertake the Precept to refrain from wrong means of livelihood.

Idaṁ me Silaṁ magga phala ñāṇassa paccayo hotu. 
May the precepts I keep be an aid for the attainment of magga and phala.

Monk:Appamādena sampādetha,” _Accomplish the training without forgetfulness and negligence
Devotee:Āma bhante.” _Yes, Venerable Sir.

Buddham Pujemi, Dhammam Pujemi, Samgham Pujemi.

Posted by Nyan U

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