Saturday, June 30, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [70]

ေစ်းသည္ေကာင္းၿဖစ္မွ နိဗၺာန္ရ / Dr Ashin Chekinda (Dhammaduta) Yangon, Jan 20, 2003.
Explanation of three necessary facts to attain Nibbana. Listen more
ဒိ႒ိေရာဂါသည္ႀကီး မာဂ႑ီအား ဘုရားေဟာၾကားပုံ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Feb 26, 1959.
Description of four wrong beliefs (Ditthi) in one's body (believing: Anicca as Nicca; Anatta as Atta; Asubha as Subha and Dukkha as Sukha); Sotapanna Magga that discards these Ditthi referring to "Brahmin Magandi" story. Listen more
ဓမၼႏၲရာယ္ ကာကြယ္ေရး / Ashin Pannajota (Taunsunn, Dhamma- duta) Yangon, 1358 B.E.
Regarding to Punnantare and Dhammantare mentioned: definitions, consequences and ways to prevent them.
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ဘယ္ဆီကလာ၍ ဘာေတြျပဳခဲ့ပါသလဲ / Ashin Pannajota (Taunsunn, Dhammaduta) Taungoo, 1359 B.E.
Explained: the times of Paticca Samuppada (past, present, future); where one had been originated from and what one did; rotation of two Sacca (Samudaya and Dukkha); changing Sacca (to Magga and Nirodha). Listen more
မာဂ႑ီသုတ္္ () / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Feb 24, 1959.
With reference to "Magandiya Sutta", explained, the formation of Paticca Samuppada from the eye door etc.; changing to Ariya eye. Listen more
သိေနဖို႔ပဲ အေရးႀကီးပါတယ္ / Vanavasi Ashin Nyeyadhammasami (Maha Bodhimyaing Sayadaw) Jun 19, 1997.
Explained: how Conventional Truth (paññatti) and Ulti- mates (paramattha) are non-separable and uncombinable; comparison of matter (Rupa) and mind (Nama); four Pan- natti; revealing Paramattha. Listen more
သံေယာဇဥ္ျပတ္ ဒုကၡရပ္ / U Janitalankara. Yangon, Aug 8, 2007.
Include: what Sanyojana is; types of Sanyojana; the Noble Eightfold Path that detach Sanyojana; five Nivarana; Dhammanupassana Satipatthana. Listen more
သကၠပၪွသုတ္ / Vanavasi Ashin Nyeyadhammasami (Maha Bodhimyaing Sayadaw) Jun 16, 1997.
With reference to "Sakkapanha Sutta", mentioned: why living beings are in danger; explanation of "Papanca Dhamma"_ Tanha, Mana, Ditthi and how to dispel them. Listen more
အက်ိဳးမရိွ အလုပ္မၿဖစ္ / Dr Ashin Chekinda (Dhammaduta) Yangon, Mar 17, 2003.
Mentioned: the seven benefits of Satipatthana; what pure mind means and its cause_ Sati Nana; cause and effect of Sotapanna; difference between Samatha and Vipassana. Listen more
အေသကင္းရာ သြားၾကပါ / U Janitalankara. Yangon, Aug 7, 2007.
Mentioned the type and characteristics of Nibbana; Ditthi_ the one that stick to mind most; thirteen viewing points of mind; three kinds of Sotapanna; advice to strive and attain Nibbana.   Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [69]

စိတ္ကိုျပဳျပင္ နိဗၺာန္ဝင္ / Bhaddanta Vayaminda (Myauk-u Sayadaw) Mandalay, Sep 27, 2008.
Include: correct way of listening to the Dhamma;
mindfulness; reforming one's mind. 
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ထာဝရကုသိုလ္ / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhammaduta) Bago, Feb 12, 2007.
Persistent merit; benefits of donating monastery; variation of Dana's benefit; cause of not performing Dana.  Listen more
နီးလ်က္နဲ႕ေဝး / Bhaddanta Vayaminda (Myauk-u Sayadaw) Mandalay, Sep 26, 2008.
Explaining that Nibbana is quite far for one who does not follow the Buddha's teaching.   Listen more
ေပါင္းစုတူယွဥ္ နိဗၺာန္၀င္ / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhammaduta) Yangon, Jan 24,2007.
Explaining the advantages of group donation with reference to the story about King Mahakappina, Queen Anoca, five hundred ministers and their wives.  Listen more
ယမကရဟန္းဥပမာျပ () တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Feb 18, 1959.
Why one has Ditthi; explanation of Samuti Sacca and Paramattha Sacca; to frighten Samudaya Sacca rather than Kamma; how Tanha collect Kamma; preaching of Paramattha Sacca by Shin Sariputta to Yamaka Bhikkhu to dispel Ditthi.  Listen more
ယမကရဟန္းဥပမာျပ () တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Feb 19, 1959.
Why the Buddha preached Samuti Sacca; two
consciousness_Jo and Bhavan and which one to observe Vipassana and way of observing.
  Listen more
လူ႕ျပည္ေရာက္ နတ္တမန္အေၾကာင္း / Dr. Bhaddanta Nandamalabhivamsa (Rector, ITBMU) [no date]
With reference to “Devaduta Sutta”, mentioned the wishes of King Niraya and urging to perform meritorious deeds before aging, illness and death take place.  Listen more
သူေတာ္ေကာင္းဥစၥာ ခုႏွစ္ျဖာ / Dr. Bhaddanta Nandamalabhivamsa (Rector, ITBMU) 1356 B.E.
Include: definition of property (Dhana); explanation of seven properties of a virtuous person referring to “Dhana Sutta”.  Listen more
အား () မ်ိဳး / Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhammaramsi Sayadaw) 1363 B.E.
Manifestation of different strength in persons and the best one among them with reference to “First Bala Sutta”. Listen more
ဥေဒၵသဝိဘဂၤသုတၱန္ () / Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhamma- ramsi Sayadaw) [no date]
Meditation practice; ways of eating to have merit;
Kayakathasati Kammatthana giving “Selapatta Jataka” as an example.
  Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [68]

ကုကၠဳရဝတီသုတ္ ကံကိုေဝဖန္၍ ရွင္းေဟာပုံ တရားေတာ္ / U
(Hsinphyukyun Sayadaw) Hsinphyukyun, Jul 20, 1990.
Manifestation of four Kamma with reference to "Kokkura- vati Sutta", that criticizes Kamma.  Listen more
ဓမၼဒါယဒသုတ္() / U Sumangala (Daeou Sayadaw)
Mandalay, Aug 20, 2006.
Description of changeable Khandha; advising to be atten- tive upon Dhamma and practise in accordance with the Buddha's disciplines.  Listen more
ဓမၼဒါယဒသုတ္() / U Sumangala (Daeou Sayadaw)
Mandalay, Aug 21, 2006.
Defining merit and demerit; an heir of the Buddha; causes of demoralization.  Listen more
ဗုဒၶျမတ္စြာ၏ ႀကီးပြါးခ်မ္းသာေရး တရားေတာ္ () / Ashin
(Chanmyay Sayadaw) Yangon, 1989.
Explaining: the advantages of associating with the wise referring to "Apanaka Jataka"; disadvantages of making friend with fools with reference to "Bala Sutta".  Listen more
ဗုဒၶျမတ္စြာ၏ ႀကီးပြါးခ်မ္းသာေရး တရားေတာ္ () / Ashin
(Chanmyay Sayadaw) Yangon, 1989.
Mentioned: the worthy ones to honour; honouring the worthy ones; ways of realizing the moral principles (Oggati, Vipanci, Neya, Padaparama); what to do when one becomes sleepy while meditating (Pasalaramana Sutta); living in a suitable locality; how three blessings_ living in a suitable locality, having merit in the past life and setting oneself in the right course are connected. Listen more
ယမကရဟန္းဥပမာျပ (၁) တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Feb 16, 1959.
Giving "Yamaka Bhikkhu" as an example, explained the first practice to become Sotapanna (i.e. discarding Ditthi) and the second practice to attain the rests of the Fruition (i.e. dispelling Tanha); the wrong belief_Uccheda Ditthi; what circulation in Samsara and attaining Asankhata Sukha (Nibbana) mean.  Listen more
ယမကရဟန္းဥပမာျပ () တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Feb 17, 1959.
The way that Apaya is the permanent home of layman and monks; how Tanha and Ditthi act in separate ways; impor- tance of dispelling Ditthi.  Listen more
ရွာမွီးျခင္း မလြဲၾကေစရန္ တရားေတာ္ / U Dhammasara
(Hsinphyukyun Sayadaw)
Hsinphyukyun, Jul 21, 1990.
Consequence of the one who realize the Noble Truth and who doesn't; advice to strive and break down the Dukkha circle (i.e. realizing Sacca) giving Bodhisatta prince Arindama story as an example.  Listen more
အဆိုးဆုံး အဆိပ္ / Ashin Javana (Metta Shin) Yangon, 1367 B.E.
Include: the worst poison_ Pessimism ( the belief that bad things are going to happen) with reference to "Jambuka Sutta"; five Macchariya; characteristics of virtuous person and that of scoundrel; correcting oneself.  Listen more
အဇၥ်တၱတိုက္ပြဲ / Ashin Javana (Metta Shin) Yangon, 1367 B.E.
Comparison of virtuous person and scoundrel; objective of Dana; correct ways of performing Dana.  Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat