Lakkhana, U. (Kyaswar Sayadaw). အနာမ႐ွိေသာ လက္။ [Hand Without Sore]. Sydney, 23 December 2012.
Mentioned: sufferings of ageing; explanation of " hand without sore"; how to prevent from having demerit volition (Akusala Cetana) referring to the story of a couple_a hunter and his Sotapanna wife. Listen more
Lakkhana, U. (Kyaswar Sayadaw). သတိပ႒ာန္႐ႈမွတ္နည္း။ [Satipatthana Practice]. Sydney, 24 December 2012.
Described: Kayanupassana Satipatthana; observation of four Satipatthana in sitting position; way of walking meditation; observing general behaviors. Listen more
Sobhana, Ashin (ShweMyintmo Sayadaw). ပညာျပည့္ဝ
ႏွလုံးလွေစ။ [Have Full Wisdom and Good Heart]. South Okkalapa, 22 November 2007.
Include: Panna Magga_the leader of Noble Eightfold path; how wisdom is important in economy, social relation and meditation; the best taste and enjoyment (Dhamma_Reali- zing Sacca); prayer for every meritorious deed; cause of Lokottara wisdom. Listen more
Sobhana, Ashin (ShweMyintmo Sayadaw). ေနာင္ဘဝသို ့ မေရာက္ မီ။ [Before Existing in Next Existence]. South Okkalapa, 21 May 2007.
Described: the way of Khandha (conception, ageing, illness and death); how to die having merit; the three catastrophes (famine, war and epidemic diseases) and future existences. Listen more
Sobhita, Bhaddanta (Padamya Yeikthar Sayadaw). ခႏၶာတြင္းမွန္ စုံစမ္းရန္။ [Investigation of Khandha]. Amarapura, 1351 B.E.
Include: suitable location for meditation; position of body in sitting meditation; establishment of Samadhi by Anapa- na Satipatthana; causes of ageing, illness, death and Apaya dangers; checking which kind of Ditthi appears in one's Khandha. Listen more
Sobhita, Bhaddanta (PadamyaYeikthar Sayadaw). ေလးျဖာ
ဣရိယာ ႐ႈမွတ္ပါ။ [Observing the Four Aspects of Deportment]. Amarapura, 1351 B.E.
Explained: the objective of Vipassana meditation; what Vipassana is; where and what to observe; four Kammatthana; harmonization of Kammatthana and one's nature; way of observing four aspects of deportment; Satipatthana and Satipatthana Bhavana. Listen more
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat