Lakkhana, U. (Kyaswar Sayadaw). ကိုယ္ေတြ ့ေဝဒနာႏု
ပႆ နာ သတိပ႒ာန္ (၂)။ [Personal Experience Vedana-
nupassana Satipatthana (2)]. Sydney, 25 December 2012.
Explained: why Vedana is necessary to observe;
three levels of knowing Vedana; anxiety and
compassion; nature of Tanha and Ditthi.
Lakkhana, U. (Kyaswar Sayadaw). ကိုယ္ေတြ ့ေဝဒနာႏု
ပႆ နာ သတိပ႒ာန္ (၃)။ [Personal Experience Vedana-
nupassana Satipatthana (3)]. Sydney, 26 December 2012.
Include: four Kammathana; practical observa-
tion: three kinds of Photthabba rupa; four
Sampajanna and their important area.
Sobhana, Ashin (ShweMyintmo Sayadaw). စစ္ဆင္ ဥပမာ
ျပတရားေတာ္။ [A Discourse with Fighter Elephant
Example]. Yangon, 22 May 2007.
Mentioned: the five necessities in meditation such
as_1. listening to Dhamma; 2. dispelling applica-
tion (Vitakka); 3. controlling six faculties
(Indrias); 4. patience; 5. practising until the
achievement of Nibbana.
Sobhana, Ashin (ShweMyintmo Sayadaw). အာဇာနည္
စိတ္ဓါတ္ ထားရန္။ [To Have Herioc Morale]. [no date]
A detail instruction of meditating with herioc
morale to attain Nibbana.
Sobhita, Ashin (Padamya Yeikthar Sayadaw). ဒြါရ၆ခြင္
ဉာဏ္မ်က္႐ွင္ အလုပ္ေပးတရားေတာ္။ [Observation of Six
Doors by Nana]. Amarapura, 1351.
Described: what Vipassana is; three Samadhi
Magga and two Panna Magga; disadvantage of
not meditating; benefits of meditation; which and
when to observe.
Sobhita, Ashin (Padamya Yeikthar Sayadaw). ဒိ႒ိျပဳတ္ျပန္
ေသာတာပန္ အလုပ္ေပးတရားေတာ္။ [Eliminating Ditthi to
Be a Sotapanna]. Amarapura, 1351.
Explained: Sotapatti Magga and Phala; location
of Ditthi; defining Cittanupassana; number of consciousness to observe; where consciousness
appear; Namarupaparicheda nana; Paccaya-
parigaha nana; ability of consciousness;
observing Cittanupassana.
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat