Monday, June 16, 2014

Dhammapada 62 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

5 - Balavagga, The Fool
3 - Anandasetthi Vatthu

Putta ma'tthi dhanam ma'tthi, iti balo vihannati;
atta hi attano natthi, kuto putta kuto dhanam.
62: "I have sons, I have wealth"; with this (feeling of attachment) the fool is afflicted. Indeed, he himself is not his own, how can sons and wealth be his?
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dhammapada 61 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

5 - Balavagga, The Fool
2 - Mahakassapa saddhiviharika Vatthu
Carance nadhigaccheyya,
seyyam sadisamattano;

ekacariyaram dalham kayira,
natthi bale sahayata.

61: If a person seeking a companion cannot find one who is better than or equal to him, let him resolutely go on alone; there can be no companionship with a fool.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dhamma Info (16)

A Content Person
The Metta-sutta says that a content person:

lives a simple life,
does not overburden himself,
moves around with ease,
is calm, mature,
not greedy and
is not overly sensitive to family status and family pride.
These are of an advanced and refined personality.
Reference: Dhammasami, Dr Khammai. Blessings...You Can D.I.Y. 2012. 

Posted by Aye Sat

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Theravada Audio Dhamma (33)

Chandadhika, Ashin (Shweparamitoya). တစ္ေယာက္ ထဲေန တစ္စိတ္ထဲထား။ [Stay Alone With One Mind]. Yangon, 17 Dec 1996.
Explained: the reason of staying alone with one mind; consequences of staying with companion while practising Satipatthana; three faults of talking during meditation; how keeping one mind is more important than staying alone; facts not to choose to have Vipassana mind every times.
Chandadhika, Ashin (Shweparamitoya). မေသခင္ ဘာလုပ္ၾကမလဲ။ [What Will You Do Before You Die]. [no date]
Mentioned: way of the Mundane World; five unknown facts about death; seven happiness; how human life is short; six diseases in the period of Arattha head master; khandha and death.
Janakabhivamsa, Ashin (Chanmyay Sayadaw). အေကာင္းေလး မ်ိဳးတရားေတာ္။ [Four Good Ones]. [no date]
Manifestation of four good ones_ Sila, Saddha, Panna and Kusala giving a wealthy man Jotika and an Arahat Dhamma Dinna as example persons.  
Janakabhivamsa, Ashin (Chanmyay Sayadaw). အားကိုးမွန္မွ ခ်မ္းသာရ။ [Correct Reliance Gives Happiness]. [no date]
Described: the five religions; why buddhists follow and practise the Buddha's Dhamma; how to be a true buddhist; Triple Gems.
Saddhamma Kittisara, Bhaddanta (AungSan Sayadaw). ေနေရး ထက္ ေသေရးအေရးၾကီးပုံ။ [How Death Is Important Than Alive]. New York, 5 Jun 2004.
Included: ways of listening to Dhamma; the work which one must do in every age group of life, why human life is precious; cause and effect; two types of Vipassana; importance of having good teacher to become a Sotappana; method of eliminating Ditthi.
Saddhamma Kittisara, Bhaddanta (AungSan Sayadaw). ပဋိစၥ သမုပၸါဒ္ နိဒါန္း။ [An Introduction To Paticca Samuppada]. New York, 29 May 2004.
Explained: the dependable Dhamma; objective of practising Vipassana; four Asava; importance of knowing Sacca; ways of obtaining Vijja Nana.
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat