Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Dhamma

All the original teachings of the Buddha can be shown in one word of Pali 'Dhamma'. It is a nature thing, the doctrine of the Buddha. It teaches us how to live wisely and happily, and also shows how to face and solve problems. The dhamma is the main stream for everyone's enlightenment. So, most Buddhists take refuge in the Dhamma. And then they pay respect and appreciation for the teachings. Even the Buddha had to refuge to attain Nibbana.

The Dhamma is the only way to the end of sufferings in the world. In Anguttara Nikaya, after enlightenment the Buddha said, “Let me then honour, respect and live in dependence on this very Dhamma to which I have fully awakened”.

If one will live by the Dhamma, it will surely liberate him from misery and then give way to Nibbana. But without practice one cannot appreciate the truth. Really the Dhamma is to be studied, and to be realized. The more to be immediate realization and practice, the more the result is the ultimate goal that will be escaping from the cycles of rebirths (samsara). This liberating law is discovered and proclaimed by the Buddha. The six attributes of Dhamma are: 1- well expounded by the Blessed One, 2- self-realized, 3- immediately effective, 4- inviting investigation, 5- leading onwards, 6- to be realized by the wise. 

The Four Noble Truths (Sacca) are the abstract of the Buddha's Dhamma. They are:

[1] The Truth of Suffering (Dukkha sacca), 
[2] The Truth of the Cause of Suffering (Samudhaya sacca), 
[3] The Truth of the End of Suffering (Nirodha sacca), 
[4] The Truth of the Path to the End of Suffering (Magga sacca).

Gaining release from samsara, i.e. the cycle of birth, existence and death, is in need of each of the Noble Truths. The first truth is to be fully understood; the second, eradicated; the third, reached; the fourth, increased. Indeed, the Dhamma is a natural method for self liberation from the samsaric dukkha. 

The practice of Dhamma is applied on the devotional basis of contemplation with the firm precepts (sila). In this practice the Noble Eightfold Path is an essential tool for the liberated state which is known as Arahantship. It is also peaceful middle path that avoids extremes. These are as follows:

[1] Right View, 
[2] Right Thought, 
[3] Right Speech, 
[4] Right Action,
[5] Right Livelihood, 
[6] Right Effort, 
[7] Right Mindfulness, 
[8] Right Concentration.

The Buddha taught us to observe in accordance with these eight principles to know the Noble Truths. The right way to end suffering is to follow the 'Noble Eightfold Path'.

Posted by Nyan U.

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