တရားနည္းျပ အလုပ္ေပး / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). [no date]
Cause of Dukkha, Khandha and Tanha; Samudaya sacca_Dukkha sacca, Dukkha sacca_Samudaya sacca; exhorting to practise Vipassana until one achieves Magga nana. <Dhammadownload အလုပ္ေပး (၂): 09>
မိတ္ေဆြႏွင့္ ရန္သူ / Ashin Javana (Metta Shin). Yangon, 1368 (B. E.)
About kilesa, an internal enemy that torture one until death; dispelling kilesa especially the leader Ditthi kilesa to avoid from casting into apaya and also to make friends with the surrounding people_giving Visakha, a sponsor of Pubbhajon monastery as a role model; circulation of three vuttas. <Dhammadownload DVD 06: 01>
ရတနာစိန္ေက်ာက္ ဇယ္ေတာက္္ၾကရေအာင္ တရားေတာ္ / U Eindavudabhivamsa (Htoogyi Sayadaw). Aungpan, Jun 11, 2005.
Three kinds of acquirement (Kamma, Bhava and Dhamma); seven treasure of Loki, Universal Monarch and Ariya;choosing the right treasure, example story: the leper Suppabuddha. <Dhammadownload Mp3 DVD Disc 01: 08>
ေလာကုတၱရာ စာေမးပြဲ / Ashin Javana (Metta Shin). Yangon, 1367 (B. E.)
သမင္ေမြးရင္း က်ားစားရင္း တရားေတာ္ (ပဋိစၥသမုပၸါဒ္ သင္တန္း) / U Eindavudabhivamsa (Htoogyi Sayadaw). Aungpan, Jun 11, 2005.
Process of Khandha; kilesa vutta caused by Avijja, Tanha and Upadana_example story: Kalarakkhini Orgress. <Dhammadownload Mp3 DVD Disc 01: 07>
သိ၊ ပယ္၊ ဆိုက္၊ ပြား တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw). Yangon, [no date]
Who is Atapi?; Four Noble Truths which one should realize, dispel, attain and nurture; encouraging to perform constant meditation with “Sati” in order to avoid feeling remorse in future time. <Dhammadownload Mp3 Disc 02: 10>
သံေယာဇဥ္ရွင္းတမ္း (၁) / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhamma Duta). Bago, Sep 5. 2006.
Meaning of Samjojana; manifestation of five Samjojanas (Ditthi, Vicikiccha, Silabbata paramasa, Eissa, Micchariya); how to dispel each of them to avoid sufferring in Samsara. <Dhammadownload 039>
သံသရာကူးသူမ်ား / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhamma Duta). Bago, Sep 4, 2006.
Difining Samsara; explanation of seven kinds of person crossing samsara; three samjojana that Sotapanna discards (Ditthi, Vicikiccha, Silabbataparamasa). <Dhammadownload 038>
သိကၡာသုံးပါးျဖင့္ ကိေလသာသုံးပါး ပယ္သတ္ပုံ တရားေတာ္ /Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw). Yangon, Nov 14, 1998.
Why people revere religion; what misery means; cause of misery; three levels of kilesa, how Sila, Samadhi and Panna dispel these Kilesas; levels of Panna (Vipassana, Magga); two anusaya kilesas (Santananusaya and Arammananusaya). <Dhammadownload Mp3 Disc 02: 09>
အနတၱလကၡဏာဉာဏ္ အလုပ္ေပးတရား / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw). [no date]
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat