Saturday, January 28, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [52]

ခႏၶာကိုယ္ ေစခိုင္း၍ နိဗၺာန္ေရာက္ေၾကာင္း တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Aug 13, 1958.
Describing how Khandha is one of the cause to attain Nibbana; difference between Samatha and Vipassana; the speaker_ Rupa and Nama, the listener_ Nana; way to realize truth. Listen more
ပမာဒႏွင့္ အပၸမာဒ / Dr. Bhaddanta Nandamalabhivamsa (Rector, ITBMU) Sagaing, 1360 (B.E.)
Explanation of carelessness (Pamada) and mindfulness (Appamada). In addition, stated how mindfulness is impor- tant in attaining Nibbana. Listen more
ၿပတ္သားတဲ့ ဆုံးၿဖတ္ခ်က္ / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhammaduta) Bago, Apr 16, 2006.
Advising to be decisive in doing things; instructing what to do when one gets chance to meet Sasana, that is, to listen, to keep in heart and to practise Dhamma with reference to the story of Ekasadhaka brahmin. Listen more
ဘုရားအရိပ္ တရားအရိပ္ / Dr Ashin Pannissara (Dhammaduta) Bago, Nov 29, 2005.
Mentioning the three types of shelter and the best one_ Buddha Dhamma, giving “Rajjumala” story as an example. Listen more
မျပဳမျဖစ္ ျပဳမွျဖစ္ / Bhaddanta Vayaminda (Myauk-u Sayadaw) Mandalay, Sep 26, 2008.
Mentioned what Dhamma is; difficulties which one cannot prevent and wish for; process of Khandha; meritorious deed_work to perform certainly. Listen more
ရွင္သာရိပုတၱရာ မေထရ္ျမတ္၏ ႏွမေတာ္တို႔၏ ဓမၼအျမင္မ်ား / Dr. Bhaddanta Nandamalabhivamsa (Rector, ITBMU) Sagaing, 1360 (B.E.)
Stating the Dhamma views of three bhikkhunis (sisters of Venerable Sariputta) with reference to Cala Sutta, Upacala Sutta and Sisupacala Sutta. Listen more
ေလးမ်ိဳးတားမရ / Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhammaramsi SayaDaw) [no date]
Elucidation of dangers that no one can prevent; preparation to face these dangers. Listen more
အနာဂတ္ေဘးငါးေဘးႏွင့္ပဋိစၥသမုပၸါဒ္ အႏုေလာမ နည္းရွင္းပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw)  Amarapura, Aug 12, 1958.
Future dangers (aging, illness, famine, schism of monks, revolt) that who does not practise Vipassana waits for; Avijja which ignore the four Noble Truth; merit and demerit volition (Sankhara); characteristics of Paticca Samuppada in past, present and future lives; what meditator should observe. Listen more

အေဖာ္ေကာင္းရွိပါေစ / Bhaddanta Vayaminda (Myauk-u Sayadaw) Mandalay, Sep 25, 2008.
Explaining: the three necessities of Samsara; companions in present life and Samsara; Dhamma_the best companion. Listen more
အျမတ္းဆုံးေလးပါး / Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhammaramsi SayaDaw) Yangon, 1365 (B.E.)
Manifestation of four noblest Dhamma: 1. being healthy, 2. being contented, 3. having intimate relatives, 4. happiness of attaining Nibbana; causes to realize the principle truth; benefits of Sotapanna. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [51]

ကာလဒါနႏွင့္ ပကာသနဒါန / Ashin Javana (Metta Shin) 1367 (B.E.)
Describing: the three non-contented things (furnace, ocean, greedy person); disadvantages of greed and how to dispel it; difference between the Dana that performed to fulfil the current needs and ostentatious Dana; when to perform Dana; reason of doing Dana, Sila and Bhavana. Listen more
ကစၥာနဇာတ္ / U Sumangala (Daeou Sayadaw) Mandalay, Sep 29, 2006.
Explaining: about Avijja and Sankhara that cause Dukkha; Nibbana_ the unchangeable Dhamma. Example_ Kaccana Jataka. Listen more
စိတ္ကို ထိန္းမွ ခ်မ္းသာရ တရားေတာ္ (၂) / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw) Oct 2, 1999.
Description of the Noble Eightfold Path; Sacca in principle (realize, dispel, attain, nurture) and in practical (nurture, realize, dispel, attain); the gist of “Maha Satipatthana Sutta”. Listen more
တဏွာထက္ ဒိ႒ိကပို၍ေၾကာက္စရာေကာင္းပုံ တရားေတာ္ / U Dhammasara (Hsinphyukyun Sayadaw) Hsinphyukyun, Jan 10, 1990.
Explaining how Ditthi is more frightful than Tahna. In addition, describing the ways to dispel Ditthi giving Shin Chanda (co-natal of the Buddha) as an example. Listen more
နားကတရားနာ ဉာဏ္ကခႏၶာလွည့္ သုသိမသုတၱန္ တရားေတာ္ / U Dhammasara (Hsinphyukyun Sayadaw) Hsinphyukyun, Feb 2, 1990.
With reference to “Susima Sutta”, mentioned how Vipas- sana Magga Nana is important in attaining Nibbana. Listen more
ပါရမီထိုက္ေသာ ဒါနႏွင့္ ပါရမီမထိုက္ေသာ ဒါန / Ashin Javana (Metta Shin) Yangon, 1367 (B.E.)
Differentiation between the benefits of Dana that acquires virtue and that doesn't. Advising to acquire virtue in per- forming Dana with correct wish referring to the story of “Mahasena brahmin”. Listen more
ယခုလုပ္ရမည္႔ အလုပ္ တရားေတာ္ (၁) / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Chanmyay Sayadaw) [no date]
Explaining the brief teachings of all the Buddhas_ 1. to avoid all evil deeds, 2. to do all merits, 3. to keep one's mind pure. Also, advising to strive until one becomes Arahat. Listen more
လူပီသေရး / U Sumangala (Daeou Sayadaw) Nyaung Oo, May 18, 2006.
Mentioning: the ability of a perfect person; instructions to be a perfect one; the best power; basis of cause and effect. Listen more
အဓိပတိ သုံးပါးထား၍ ပစၥဳပၸန္ ပဋိစၥသမုပၸါဒ္ကိုသာ ဝိပႆနာရႈရန္ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Aug 11, 1958.
Three ways of performing insight knowledge; Tajo that tor- ture and Rupa and Namma that suffer; the cause of Jati. Listen more
အဝိဇၨာလက္ေအာက္ခံ သခၤါရသုံးမ်ဳိး တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Aug 12, 1958.
What Avijja does not know; three Sankhara (Kaya San- khara, Vaci Sankhara, Citta Sankhara) done by the person having Avijja; characteristics of Paticca Samuppada which occur in those people who listen to the Dhamma and in those who doesn't. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [50]

ကံျဖဴ ကံမဲ တရားေတာ္ / Bhaddanta Rajinda (Aungmangala Sayadaw) [no date]
Explanation of: four Kamma (merit, demerit, merit and demerit mixed, neither merit nor demerit); three Dhamma (Kamma, Nana, Jhana); two types of human beings; urging to rely on one's morals that one practises (i.e. to rely on Nana rather than Kamma). Listen more
ဒကၡိဏဝိသုဒၶိေလးပါး တရားေတာ္ / Dr Ashin Nyanissara (Sitagu Sayadaw) Yangon, Apr 29, 1978.
Explaining the variation of benefits of Dana with regard to the purity of donor and recipient. Listen more
ဓမၼဒါယဒသုတ္ (၁) / U Sobana (Mahasi Sayadaw) 1340 B.E.
Referring to the “Dhamma Dayada Sutta” , explained about the types of inheritance; nine Lokoktara Dhamma inheritance_ the best one to be inherited; true and false Dhamma inheritances. Listen more
ဓမၼဒါယဒသုတ္ (၂) / U Sobana (Mahasi Sayadaw) 1340 B.E.
Advice to practise Vipassana and attain Ariya Magga; levels of Vipassana practice; four works that one ought to do; why it is necessary to perform insight meditation ur- gently. Listen more
ပဋိစၥသမုပၸါဒ္ အႏုေလာမ၊ ပဋိေလာမ နည္းၿဖင့္ ဒုကၡသစၥာဆိုက္ပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw)
Amarapura, Aug 10, 1958.
Explaining: the features of Samsara, an expanse of water; how Tejo torture Khandha; harbouring Tanha means continuing Dukkha; way of dispelling Tanha; why one should not pray for having Jati; Paticca Samuppada that connect past, present and future lives. Listen more
ပန္းႏွင့္ အၿပိဳင္ တရားထိုင္ / Ashin Candasiri. [no date]
Instruction to discard Kilesa that appear in one's mind by Vipassana practice like plucking down the old flowers from the plant. Listen more
ေသာပါကသာမေဏ တရားေတာ္ / Dr Ashin Nyanissara (Sitagu Sayadaw) [no date]
Description of how Sopaka Samanera became Arahat as well as bhikkhu in detail. Listen more
သခၤါရအဆုံးမွာ နိဗၺာန္ရွိႏုိင္ပုံ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Jul 11, 1958.
Include: how Nibbana is quite near to those who practise Vipassana; Sankhara Dukkha; when Apaya seed termi-nates; Cittanupassana practice; two Nibbana. Listen more
အမွား ဒိ႒ိႏွင့္ တဏွာပယ္သတ္နည္း / Bhaddanta Rajinda (Aungmangala Sayadaw) [no date]
Definition of Ditthi; why birth and death continuously oc- cur; dispelling Upadana (Ditthi and Tanha) by Sila, Sama- dhi and Panna; objective of meditation. Listen more
အရွင္အာနႏၵာ ေသာတာပန္တည္ခန္း / Ashin Candasiri. Saketa, Apr 13, 2008.
Mentioning why Apaya is the permanent residence of living beings; four causes of Rupa (kamma, mind, weather, nutri-tion); way to dispel Ditthi. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [49]

ကာယာ ႏုပႆနာ သတိပဌာန္ / U Gosita. [no date]
Explanation of five aggregates; Satipatthana; choosing the suitable Kammatthana; Kayanu-passana practice. Listen more
ကိုယ့္စိတ္ကိုယ္စစ္ / Ashin Chandadhika (Shweparamitoya) [no date]
Importance of examining one's mind; how to examine own mind. Listen more
တစ္ေယာက္တည္းေနတစ္စိတ္တည္းထား / Ashin Chandadhika (Shweparamitoya) Nyaunglebin, Dec 17, 1996.
Instructing the facts to follow to attain Magga, Phala and Nibbana; disadvantages of talking while meditating; objectives of keeping one's mind only in Vipassana consciousness; conditions not necessary to select in performing meditation (i.e. work, place, aspect of deportment, time).  Listen more
ပါေ၀ယ်ကဆင္ တိုက္ ပဲြ၀င္္/ U Narapati (Phyu Sayadaw) Yangon, Dec 22, 1978.
Include: instruction to overcome external and internal enemies that prevent from attaining Nibbana with reference to the story of the fighting elephant, “Paveyaka”; significance of Dana, Sila and Bhavana to achieve Nibbana; benefits of Satipatthana; how mind is more important to look after than the body. Listen more
မွားေသာအက်င့္ႏွင့္ မွန္ေသာအက်င့္ တရားေတာ္ (၁) / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) August 8, 1958.
Why Buddha advised to disconnect Paticca Samuppada; correct way of Vipassana practice to attain Nibbana (i.e. observing appearance and disappearance between Vedana and Tanha.)
Listen more
မွားေသာအက်င့္ႏွင့္ မွန္ေသာအက်င့္ တရားေတာ္ (၂) / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) August 9, 1958.
Describing: the practices which disconnect and connect samsara; how Tejo is the main culprit of aging and death; reversing the Paticca Sa- muppada to be visible distinctively that the continuation of Kamma result in continual Jati and prolong samsara; words left by the Buddha to Venerable Ananda. Also, urging to perform Vipassana to realize aging and death practi- cally. Listen more
သုညတဆိုက္ေအာင္ရႈပါတရားေတာ္ / U Gosita. Yangon, Jun 8, 1996.
Consequence of destroying a building related to all monks (Sanghika); observation of appearan- ce and disappearance of the five aggregates till they become nothingness in order to escape from death. Example story:“BhikkhuMoharaja”. Listen more
အေဖၚေကာင္းႏွင့္ဆရာေကာင္း (၁) / Bhaddanta Janeiya (Myaseintaung Sayadaw) 1364 B.E.
Advising to avoid of being a Micchaditthi but to practise Vipassana and becomes Sammaditthi. Also, explained Upadana that manipulates one's consciousness; three Magga namely_Mula Magga, Pobbanga Magga and Ariya Magga. Listen more
အေဖၚေကာင္းႏွင့္ဆရာေကာင္း (၂) / Bhaddanta Janeiya (Myaseintaung Sayadaw) 1364 B.E.
Description of various types of pregnancy, death, Marana, condition and time of Kamma; pannatti and paramattha; importance of having good teacher and good companion in practising Vipassana. Listen more
အေ႐ွ႔မွေန၀န္းထြက္သည့္ပမာ / U Narapati (Phyu Sayadaw) Yangon, Dec 17, 1993.
Explaining: the types of Samaditthi; how Sama- ditthi is the precursor of realizing Sacca; Viriya Bo; benefits of Viriya; what Vipassana Medita- tion means; the three characteristics of exis- tence (Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta); the peaceful characteristic of Nibbana. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wishes For New Year 2012

Here comes another year,
As the old one disappears.
Throw all worries that appear,
And keep your mind pure and clear.

Posted by Aye Sat