ကံျဖဴ ကံမဲ တရားေတာ္ / Bhaddanta Rajinda (Aungmangala Sayadaw) [no date]
Explanation of: four Kamma (merit, demerit, merit and demerit mixed, neither merit nor demerit); three Dhamma (Kamma, Nana, Jhana); two types of human beings; urging to rely on one's morals that one practises (i.e. to rely on Nana rather than Kamma). Listen more
ဒကၡိဏဝိသုဒၶိေလးပါး တရားေတာ္ / Dr Ashin Nyanissara (Sitagu Sayadaw) Yangon, Apr 29, 1978.
Explaining the variation of benefits of Dana with regard to the purity of donor and recipient. Listen more
ဓမၼဒါယဒသုတ္ (၁) / U Sobana (Mahasi Sayadaw) 1340 B.E.
Referring to the “Dhamma Dayada Sutta” , explained about the types of inheritance; nine Lokoktara Dhamma inheritance_ the best one to be inherited; true and false Dhamma inheritances. Listen more
ဓမၼဒါယဒသုတ္ (၂) / U Sobana (Mahasi Sayadaw) 1340 B.E.
Advice to practise Vipassana and attain Ariya Magga; levels of Vipassana practice; four works that one ought to do; why it is necessary to perform insight meditation ur- gently. Listen more
ပဋိစၥသမုပၸါဒ္ အႏုေလာမ၊ ပဋိေလာမ နည္းၿဖင့္ ဒုကၡသစၥာဆိုက္ပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw)
Amarapura, Aug 10, 1958.
Explaining: the features of Samsara, an expanse of water; how Tejo torture Khandha; harbouring Tanha means continuing Dukkha; way of dispelling Tanha; why one should not pray for having Jati; Paticca Samuppada that connect past, present and future lives. Listen more
ပန္းႏွင့္ အၿပိဳင္ တရားထိုင္ / Ashin Candasiri. [no date]
Instruction to discard Kilesa that appear in one's mind by Vipassana practice like plucking down the old flowers from the plant. Listen more
ေသာပါကသာမေဏ တရားေတာ္ / Dr Ashin Nyanissara (Sitagu Sayadaw) [no date]
Description of how Sopaka Samanera became Arahat as well as bhikkhu in detail. Listen more
သခၤါရအဆုံးမွာ နိဗၺာန္ရွိႏုိင္ပုံ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Jul 11, 1958.
Include: how Nibbana is quite near to those who practise Vipassana; Sankhara Dukkha; when Apaya seed termi-nates; Cittanupassana practice; two Nibbana. Listen more
အမွား ဒိ႒ိႏွင့္ တဏွာပယ္သတ္နည္း / Bhaddanta Rajinda (Aungmangala Sayadaw) [no date]
Definition of Ditthi; why birth and death continuously oc- cur; dispelling Upadana (Ditthi and Tanha) by Sila, Sama- dhi and Panna; objective of meditation. Listen more
အရွင္အာနႏၵာ ေသာတာပန္တည္ခန္း / Ashin Candasiri. Saketa, Apr 13, 2008.
Mentioning why Apaya is the permanent residence of living beings; four causes of Rupa (kamma, mind, weather, nutri-tion); way to dispel Ditthi. Listen more
Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat
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