Saturday, April 28, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [65]

စုန္ေရနဲ႔ ဆန္ေရ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Pandita (Dvipitakadhara, Maniratana Sayadaw) Yangon, Sep 9, 2005.
Explaining how merit is like up stream and demerit is like down stream; advice to escape both from up stream and down stream and strive to attain Nibbana. Listen more
တစ္နပ္ဆြမ္းႏွင့္ အျမတ္စခန္း / Ashin Pannananda (Sitagu Star) Magwe, Sep 21, 2006.
Include: how the Buddha looked after the living beings; questions to ask oneself before performing Dana; power of Dana referring to the story of a slave girl Ponna.  Listen more
ထိနမိဒၶ၏ ေကာက္က်စ္လွည့္စားတတ္္ပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Saya- daw) Mandalay, Jan 19, 1959.
Differentiation between Samadhi and Thina-Middha; ex- plaining how Thina-Middha is deceitful; advice to sepa- rate Samadhi and Thina-Middha while combining Sati, Samadhi and Viriya to attain Nibbana. Listen more
ပန္းပန္မွ လွမယ္ () / Ashin Sujata (Metta Aye Sayadaw) Minbu, Jan 23, 2009.
Way of beautifying oneself to the Buddha's satisfaction;ten meritorious deeds including three Dana, three Sila and four Bhavana. Listen more
ပန္းပန္မွ လွမယ္ () / Ashin Sujata (Metta Aye Sayadaw) Minbu, Jan 23, 2009.
With reference to the conversation between the Buddha and Sumana Devi, mentioned: differences in having bene- fits between two persons who perform Dana and who doesn't when they are in Deva realm, human realm, monk hood and attain Nibbana; advantages of observing Sila and disadvantages of breaking Sila; Samatha and Vipas- sana Bhavana; brief Vipassana practice. Listen more
ဘာသာေရးႏွင့္ အေနေဝးေနခဲ့ေသာ္ () / Ashin Kumara (Dhamma-dhara) Myawaddy, 1370 B.E.
Mentioned: the objectives of listening to the Dhamma; having Sati, Samadhi and Panna in listening to the Dham- ma to be worthwhile; defining Nibbana; the time that one attains Nibbana; why one is unaccustom to religion.
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ဘာသာေရးႏွင့္ အေနေဝးေနခဲ့ေသာ္ (ဒု) / Ashin Kumara (Dhamma-dhara) Myawaddy, 1370 B.E.
Describing ten persons not to be disrespected and results of disrespecting them. Listen more
မူလႏွစ္ျဖာလကၤာ ရွင္းတမ္း တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Pandita (Dvipitaka-dhara, Maniratana Sayadaw) Yangon, Sep 9, 2005.
Paticca Samuppada _ the most difficult and confused one; explanation of each of the eight parts of Paticca Samuppa- da Verse that one should memorizes to know the way of es- caping from Samsara.  Listen more
ဝိပႆနာ ရႈပြားနည္း အလုပ္သင္ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Jan 17, 1959.
To observe whatever that appears with Sati and Panna du- ring meditation; Yathabuta, Nibbindha and Magga nana; how Tanha is like a tailor that combine two Dukkha (be- ginning and end).  Listen more
အျမတ္စားအလႈ ရေအာင္ယူ / Ashin Pannananda (Sitagu Star) Mandalay, 1371 B.E.
With reference to the story of Ashin Maha Kassapa and a poor young lady “Cala”, mentioned the three types of donation; the reverential attributes of Venerable Maha Kassapa; the best way of performing Dana Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [64]

ကိစၥၥဉာဏ္ တရားေတာ္ - သုျဗဟၼနတ္သား ဥပမာျပ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Jan 4, 1959.
Include: having Sacca nana; what Kicca nana is; impor- tance of realizing Kicca nana.Example story _ “Subrahma Deva”.  Listen more
ၾကီးၿမတ္ေသာေအာင္ပြဲ / Dr Ashin Kovida (Majjhimagonyi) Yangon, Dec 31, 2007.
Tanha_the cause of having Khanda and sufferring in Sam- sara; advice to practise satipatthana instead of wasting the life time doing worldly matters. Listen more
တစိမ္းေတြပါလား တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Ponnananda. Yangon, Aug 22, 2005.
Instructions to observe the five characteristics of Anatta.  Listen more
ဓါတ္ပုံရိုက္လ်က္ အလွျပင္ (၁) / Bhaddanta Teijosara (Bago) Mandalay, 1370 B.E.
Advice to correct the three entities (deeds, words and thoughts) to be good both at present and in future lives giving Devadattha and Bhikkhuni Canda Theri as exam- ples.   Listen more
ဓါတ္ပုံရိုက္လ်က္ အလွျပင္ (၂) / Bhaddanta Teijosara (Bago) Mandalay, 1370 B.E.
Explanation of cause and effect of Kamma; urging to de- corate oneself with Dana, Sila and Bhavana with reference to “Silava Jataka”.  Listen more
ဗုဒၶဘာသာဆိုတာ လူသား ပဓာန / U Kavidhajajoti (Kaung Hsu Wei) Minndone, Oct 16, 2010.
Explained: the basic of Buddhism; nature of kamma; how to behave in life; hurting one's mind.   Listen more
မဇၥ်ိမ ပဋိပဒါ အလယ္အလတ္လမ္း / U Kavidhajajoti (Kaung Hsu Wei) Minndone, Oct 16, 2010.
Include: duty of Buddhism; relying oneself; the middle way and its benefits; the starting and ending point of Samsara; observing until one's form disappeared.  Listen more
သုခမဟုတ္တဲ့ ဒုကၡ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Ponnananda. Yangon, Aug 23, 2005.
Manifestation of false happiness (Vedayika Sukha) and true happiness (Santi Sukha). Listen more
သစၥညဏ္ မရခဲ့၍ သံသရာရွည္ခဲ့ပုံ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Jan 3, 1959.
Description of how samsara had been extended.Listen more
အခြင့္အေရး (-) / Dr Ashin Kovida (Majjhimagonyi) Yangom, 1368 B.E.
Advising not to lose the chances to do beneficial works both for Loki and Lokuttara while one is getting human life giving “Subhadda”_ the last Arahat in Buddha's Time. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [63]

ခႏၶာရထား သံသရာသြား / U Agganyana (Kanbe phayalay kyaung) Yangon, Aug 13, 2005.
Mentioned: why Paticca Samuppada circulates; explana- tion of how Khandha is like a train driven by Tanha ma- chine which stop at Jati, Jara, Byadhi and Marana sta- tions. Also, advise to intrude Magga Nana between Vedana and Tanha before facing old age and sickness. Listen more
ဂတိၿငိမ္းမွ နိဗၺန္ရ တရားေတာ္ () / Ashin Sunanda (Dhammaransi Sayadaw) Sep 14, 2004.
Explanation of Nissaya paccaya: how merit and demerit take place depending upon the thing they rely with re- ference to the story of five hundred bats which became devas and “Chandovada Sutta”.  Listen more
ဂတိၿငိမ္းမွ နိဗၺန္ရ တရားေတာ္ () / Ashin Sunanda (Dhammaransi Sayadaw) Sep 15, 2004.
Include_results of realizing the characteristics of Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta; View of Vipassana and Magga refer- ring to “Shin Channa” event. Listen more
ထုိးထြင္းသိရမွာကုိ ထုိးထြင္းသိ ပုိင္းျခားသိရမွာကုိ ပုိင္းျခားသိ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Jan 15, 1959.
Elucidation of the characteristics in start, middle and end parts of Paticca Samuppada; how Tanha combines Dukkha Sacca of past and present, present and future times and so on. Listen more
ႏွလုံးသြင္းမွန္မႈ အေရးႀကီးပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Jan 14, 1959.
Explaining the importance of judicious consideration in realizing Sacca. Listen more
မဟာဓမၼပါလ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Eindaka (Tuntay Sayadaw) Yangon, 1358 B.E.
Referring to “Dhammapala Jataka”, mentioned: cause of having healthy long life; comparison of virtuous and non virtuous dana. Listen more
သမထႏွင့္ ဝိပႆနာ တရားေတာ္ () / Bhaddanta Saddhamma Kittisara, (AungSan Sayadaw) Oct 1, 2002.
Words spoken by the Buddha repeatedly; persons who are never afraid to die; differentiation of Samatha and Vipas- sana; practising Vipassana. Listen more
သမထႏွင့္ ဝိပႆနာ တရားေတာ္ () / Bhaddanta Saddhamma Kittisara, (AungSan Sayadaw) Oct 2, 2002.
With regard to Vipassana mentioned: principles, non bene- ficial practice; benefits and way of meditation.
Listen more
အံ့ဖြယ္() ျဖာ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Eindaka (Tuntay Sayadaw) Yangon, 1358 B.E.
Manifestation of eight wonders of Sasana. Listen more
အဂၤါ ၁၂ ပါး ဒိ႒ိျဖဳတ္ (ဝကၠလိ) / U Agganyana (Kanbe phayalay kyaung) Yangon, Aug 14, 2005.
Include: why one needs to know Paticca Samuppada; dis- pelling Ditthi; twelve characteristics of Dependent Origi-nation; importance of realizing Sacca with reference to “Bhikkhu Vakkali”.  Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [62]

ေကာင္းျမတ္ဘဝ ယူတတ္မွ / Ashin Eindacarabhivamsa. Aug 13, 1996.
Explained: why having the present life is the best; benefits of listening to the Dhamma; meditation practice. Listen more
ကိုယ္႔ကိုယ္ကိုႏုိင္ စြမ္းအားပိုင္ / Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa (Yaw Sayadaw) Yangon, Dec 12, 1998.
Comparing with a football match, explained: how to win oneself; power of Dhamma; consequence of not having Sadha, Sati, Viriya and Panna. Listen more
ဒုကၡြသစၥာ၏ ဆုိးဝါးမႈကုိ ရွင္းျပပုံ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Dec 20, 1958.
Explaining the circulation of present Paticca Samuppada and how bad the Dukkha Sacca is. Also, urging to be a person who works rather than asking the freedom from Dukkha Sacca. Listen more
ပဋိေဝဓ အသိေရာက္မွွ ကိစၥၿပီးႏုိင္ပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Jan 2, 1959.
Include: two types of knowing Sacca_ Anuboda and Pati- veda; viewing to have Pativeda knowing; eight permanent Paticca Samuppada in Khandha; explanation of how each of the eight permanent Paticca Samuppada is a group of Dukkha; advancement of Nana level in person who real- izes Dukkha; whether Nibbana exists or not. Listen more
ဗုဒၶဘာသာ သာသနာ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Mahagandharon Sayadaw) [no date]
Include: the establishment of Sasana; whether monks should accept money as offering or not; convening Bud- dhist synod; who is Sasana relative; advice to support as much as possible for the endurance of Sasana. Listen more
ဗုဒၶရင္ႏွစ္ သားသမီးစစ္ / Ashin Eindacarabhivamsa. Thayetkon, Oct 13, 2004.
Describing the chances of realizing th principle truth and condition that prevent from realizing it; benefits of having Sotapatti Magga and Phala Nana. Listen more
ဘဝေနနည္း တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Mahagandharon Sayadaw) [no date]
Assessing the standard of life; advantages of being Deva; a valuable wisdom; Ariya's way of observing Sila; how the Buddha strove to escape from Samsara. Listen more
သမုဒၵရာ ဝမ္းတထြာ / Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa (Yaw Sayadaw) Yangon, Dec 3, 2002.
Mentioned: how troublesome to manage for living; good for nothing eating and earning; Dhamma_a summary of Bhava; using Khandha and property with Nana. Listen more
သမၼာဒိ႒ိ () မ်ဳိးတရားေတာ္။ / U Eindavudabhivamsa (Htoogyi Sayadaw) Yangon, Sep 25, 2006.
Five types of Sammaditthi; explanation of Kamma Sakkata Jana and Vipassana Sammaditthi with reference to “San- tati” minister. Listen more
ဣေႃႏၵ ညိွနည္း။ / U Eindavudabhivamsa (Htoogyi Sayadaw) Yangon, Sep 26, 2006.
Include: elimination of Ditthi; balancing Indrias and dis- pelling Nivarana. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat