Saturday, April 28, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [65]

စုန္ေရနဲ႔ ဆန္ေရ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Pandita (Dvipitakadhara, Maniratana Sayadaw) Yangon, Sep 9, 2005.
Explaining how merit is like up stream and demerit is like down stream; advice to escape both from up stream and down stream and strive to attain Nibbana. Listen more
တစ္နပ္ဆြမ္းႏွင့္ အျမတ္စခန္း / Ashin Pannananda (Sitagu Star) Magwe, Sep 21, 2006.
Include: how the Buddha looked after the living beings; questions to ask oneself before performing Dana; power of Dana referring to the story of a slave girl Ponna.  Listen more
ထိနမိဒၶ၏ ေကာက္က်စ္လွည့္စားတတ္္ပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Saya- daw) Mandalay, Jan 19, 1959.
Differentiation between Samadhi and Thina-Middha; ex- plaining how Thina-Middha is deceitful; advice to sepa- rate Samadhi and Thina-Middha while combining Sati, Samadhi and Viriya to attain Nibbana. Listen more
ပန္းပန္မွ လွမယ္ () / Ashin Sujata (Metta Aye Sayadaw) Minbu, Jan 23, 2009.
Way of beautifying oneself to the Buddha's satisfaction;ten meritorious deeds including three Dana, three Sila and four Bhavana. Listen more
ပန္းပန္မွ လွမယ္ () / Ashin Sujata (Metta Aye Sayadaw) Minbu, Jan 23, 2009.
With reference to the conversation between the Buddha and Sumana Devi, mentioned: differences in having bene- fits between two persons who perform Dana and who doesn't when they are in Deva realm, human realm, monk hood and attain Nibbana; advantages of observing Sila and disadvantages of breaking Sila; Samatha and Vipas- sana Bhavana; brief Vipassana practice. Listen more
ဘာသာေရးႏွင့္ အေနေဝးေနခဲ့ေသာ္ () / Ashin Kumara (Dhamma-dhara) Myawaddy, 1370 B.E.
Mentioned: the objectives of listening to the Dhamma; having Sati, Samadhi and Panna in listening to the Dham- ma to be worthwhile; defining Nibbana; the time that one attains Nibbana; why one is unaccustom to religion.
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ဘာသာေရးႏွင့္ အေနေဝးေနခဲ့ေသာ္ (ဒု) / Ashin Kumara (Dhamma-dhara) Myawaddy, 1370 B.E.
Describing ten persons not to be disrespected and results of disrespecting them. Listen more
မူလႏွစ္ျဖာလကၤာ ရွင္းတမ္း တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Pandita (Dvipitaka-dhara, Maniratana Sayadaw) Yangon, Sep 9, 2005.
Paticca Samuppada _ the most difficult and confused one; explanation of each of the eight parts of Paticca Samuppa- da Verse that one should memorizes to know the way of es- caping from Samsara.  Listen more
ဝိပႆနာ ရႈပြားနည္း အလုပ္သင္ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Mandalay, Jan 17, 1959.
To observe whatever that appears with Sati and Panna du- ring meditation; Yathabuta, Nibbindha and Magga nana; how Tanha is like a tailor that combine two Dukkha (be- ginning and end).  Listen more
အျမတ္စားအလႈ ရေအာင္ယူ / Ashin Pannananda (Sitagu Star) Mandalay, 1371 B.E.
With reference to the story of Ashin Maha Kassapa and a poor young lady “Cala”, mentioned the three types of donation; the reverential attributes of Venerable Maha Kassapa; the best way of performing Dana Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

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