Saturday, August 29, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (47)

Agganyana, U. ဝဋ္သုံးဝႏွင့္ တရားေတာ္။ [With Three Vatta]. Yangon, 17 Aug 2005.
Explained: five Padhanijanga; three Vatta and two

Dhammasara, U (Hsinbyu Kyun Sayadaw). နီဝရဏတရား ၅ ပါး။ [Five Nivarana]. Hsinbyu Kyun, 10 Aug 1990.
Mentioned: two covers on Nibbana and explanation
of five Nivarana with examples.

Tejosara, Baddanta (Chan Myei Myaing Sayadaw). အေျပးရပ္သူ နိဗၺာန္ယူ တရားေတာ္။ [Those Who Stop Running Will Attain Nibbana]. Yangon, 1369 B.E.
With reference to the story of Angulimala, mentioned,
how the Buddha disciplined with loving kindness
(Metta) and things that make beings running and
stop running in Samsara.
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Friday, August 28, 2015

Dhammapada 91 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

7 - Arahantavagga, The Arahat
2 - Mahakassapatthera Vatthu
Uyyunjanti satimanto, na nikete ramanti te;
hamsava pallalam hitva, okamokam jahanti te.
91: The mindful strive diligently (in the Tranquillity and 
Insight Development Practice); they take no delight in the 
home (i.e., in the life of sensual pleasures); like swans 
(hamsa) that forsake the muddy pool, they abandon all 
home life (i.e., all cravings).

Posted by Nyan U

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dhamma Info (30)

Eight Vijja attained by the Buddha

Vijja is knowledge, the light. The Buddha attained the following forms of knowledge at the First Watch of the night on Wednesday, the full moon of the month of Kason, Great Era. (103):
1. The knowledge of recollection of past lives.
2. The knowledge of divine eyes.
a. the knowledge of passing away and reappearance.
b. the knowledge of destiny according to one's deeds.
c. the knowledge of future.
3. The knowledge of cessation of taint or canker (Asava).
4. The knowledge of supernormal power.
5. The knowledge of divine ears.
6. The knowledge of penetration of mind or knowing other's mind.
7. The knowledge of insight (Vipassana).
8. The knowledge of transformation of self or of creation of mind-made self out of the same body.
Reference: Fundamentals of Buddhism by Ashin Eindaka (Nyaungkanaye Sayadaw). 2009.
Posted by Aye Sat