Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Bodhisatta

The Bodhisatta, Siddhattha Gotama was born in 68 Maha Era (623 BC) on Friday, the full moon day of Kason (Visakha, May) in Lumbini, Nepal. He grew up in royal family as a Cakya prince to father King Suddhodana of Kapilavatthu and mother Maha Maya of Devadhatha.

He married princess Yasodhara, daughter of Suppabuddha and Pamita at the age of sixteen. They were enjoying royal pleasures happily together. At the young adult, his experiences with the external world urged him in quest of life. At 29, his seeking met by chance with the vision of four persons: the aged, the sick, the dead, and the recluse.

Then the Bodhisatta had been filled with remorse over seeing the Four Sights (Nimitta). So, he at once decided to renounce the life of royalty, wealth, power and newly born son, Rahula. He left the palace at midnight on Monday, the full moon day of Waso (Ashadha, July) in search of a correct answer to the problem of universal suffering.

In a lonely forest, he wandered for the sake of highest peace and greatest happiness. He became an ascetic. He ordained as a monk with bowl and robe which were offered by Ghatikara Maha Brahma. He was living simply by virtue of being self-reliant person. And also he dedicated to morality (sila), concentration (samadhi) and insight (panna).

In Uruvela forest, he practised the severest austerities i.e. the path of self-torture, to reach enlightenment and liberation. For six continuous years he strove to do self-mortification. This effort is known as Great Hard Practices (Dukkaracariya). Six years later the Bodhisatta got rid of it. He realized and made the middle way (Majjhima Patipada), the right path.

While sitting under the Ajapala banyan tree, Sujata came and offered a gruel food in golden bowl to the Bodhisatta. The Bodhisatta had 49 morsels of this good meal near the river bank of Naranjara. Then he set adrift of the golden bowl in the stream and vowed to let it go upstream if he'll be real Buddha hood today. The golden bowl took upstream. This special food recovered his lost health and strength. In the evening he went from the Sal grove to the Maha Bodhi tree, at the foot of which he scattered eight small bundles of grass that is Sotthiyas's charity. The Aprajita Plinka, seat for the Bodhisatta arose wonderfully from the grass due to his perfections (parami). He sat across-legged on it with his back to the Bodhi tree, and facing to the east. He vowed again that he'd never lose the gesture if not enlightenment. Then he practised anapana meditation.

Posted by Nyan U.

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