Saturday, November 28, 2009

Yasodhara: The supporter of Bodhisatta Gotama

Sumitta (Yasodhara-to-be) donated lotus flowers to Dipankara Buddha and aspired to be a whole supporter of future Bodhisatta Gotama. After supporting him for four asankheyyas and one hundred thousand kappas time, she finally became Yasodhara. It was her last life to support Bodhisatta Gotama who became Buddha then.

Yasodhara means ''bearer of glory''. As her name, she was very beautiful. She was also called Bhaddakacana, Bimbadevi, Rahulamata and Yasodhara Theri according to her life status.

Her parents were king Suppabuddha and queen Pamita. Siddhattha Gotama and Yasodhara were born on the same day. They were cousins.

When they were sixteen, a bride choosing ceremony was held for Siddhattha's marriage. The procession was almost done when Yasodhara reached. But she was the one chosen to be a bride.

Being worried, Yasodhara's father, king Suppabuddha asked Siddhattha to compete the fighting skills contest and testify his capability. Siddhattha won all the events and married Yasodhara. They spent thirteen years of luxurious and happy life together.

At the age of twenty nine, Yasodhara gave birth to a son, Rahula. On that night, Yasodhara slept soundly after tiredness of parturition, while Siddhattha renounced the world and left the palace to search true happiness.

Yasodhara's life was changed abruptly. Without her husband, all the luxuries, pleasure and joy were meaningless for her. Nevertheless, she took great care to her son. He was her only comfort.

Though she was in the palace, she stayed almost likewise her husband, a holy man, living in the forest. She wore plain clothes, did not use ornaments, ate only one meal a day and slept on the low bed.

Yasodhara was a loyal wife. She never remarried. Buddha returned His home town to see His father after attaining enlightenment. Yasodhara refused to greet Him. Instead, Buddha went to see her. She wept grievously, touching Buddha's feet. Soon she controlled herself and revered Him from a suitable place. Buddha discoursed Canda kinnara Jataka to acknowledge her devotion to Him.

In one of the previous births, Siddhattha was born as a Canda kinnara and Yasodhara was his mate Canda kinnari. Their residence was the Canda Mountain of Himava. They were inseparable lovers.

Once, the king who went hunting saw them singing and dancing by a small river. He fell for the mate Canda kinnari and shot Canda kinnara with an arrow to death. Then he proposed her, but in vain.

She put her dead husband's body in her arms and wept bitterly. She also protested devas for allowing the tragedy to take place. Because of her great loyalty, the deva appeared as a brahmin and restored Canda kinnara to life.

Later, Yasodhara became a nun and then an arahant. She was one of the only four disciples of Buddha with supernormal powers (Maha Abhinna), who could recall infinite eras of the past.

Yasodhara Theri passed away before Buddha when she was seventy eight.

Posted by Aye Sat

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nine Attributes of the Buddha

Itipi so Bhagavā arahaṃ, sammāsambuddho, vijjācaraṇasampanno, sugato, lokavidū, anuttaro purisa dammasārathi, satthā devamanussānaṃ, buddho, bhagavā ti.

The Blessed One is:

[1] Arahaṃ _ indeed worthy,
[2] Sammāsambuddho _ fully self-enlightened,
[3] Vijjācaraṇasampanno _ perfect in knowledge and conduct,
[4] Sugato _ well-gone or well-spoken,
[5] Lokavidū _ knower of the worlds,
[6] Anuttaro purisa dammasārathi _ incomparable in taming beings,
[7] Satthā devamanussānaṃ _ the teacher of gods and men,
[8] Buddho _ enlightened, and
[9] Bhagavā _ blessed.

Posted by Nyan U.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Buddha Desana in a Nutshell

In Migadavon forest, at the time of dusk and moonrise, on Saturday, the full moon day of Waso, Lord Buddha started expounding the first sermon. It was known as Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta" in which middle way (Mijjhimapatipada) was explained to the first five monks (Panca Vaggi).

Throughout 45 years as a founder of Buddhism, he preached the sentient beings how to be emancipated from the cycle of births and deaths (samsara). Meanwhile, he taught the countless numbers of sermons (desana). Briefly, the Four Noble Truths were short and to the point of Whole Dhamma of the Buddha.

Out of the Four Noble Truths, suffering (dukkha) and origin of suffering (samudhaya) are lokiya and cessation of suffering (nirodha) and right path to nibbana (magga) are lokkuttara. In this case, Samudhaya is the cause and Dukkha is the effect; similar is Magga and Nirodha. Therefore, whether in Lokiya or Lokkuttara, it is clear-cut of cause and effect.

Thus, he showed that every rising had a cause and no effect came if the eradication of cause occurred. This process was known as the Dependent Origination (Paticcasamuppada). So, the essence of the Buddha's Dhamma is the only one to attain Nibbana.

With great compassion he took a non-stop propagation of his doctrines for all beings to get out of the cycle of rebirths. The Buddha's life was a practical example of the Dhamma he taught as such.

After having done his duties and responsibilities as a Buddha, he realized cessation of all Dukkha of Khandha (Parinibbana). In 148 Maha Era (543 BC), on Tuesday, the full moon day of Kason before dawn, he expired at the age of 80, in Kusinara, India. The Buddha said the very last words to his disciples as follows:

Handa dani bhikkhave amantayami vo, vaya dhamma sankhara, appamadena sampadetha.

This Pali stanza means _ Behold, monks! Now I'll admonish all of you. All conditioned things are changeable and not lasting. With steadfast mindfulness, endeavour to win your own liberation.”

Posted by Nyan U.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Gotama the Buddha

At sun-set, sitting on the Aprajita Pallanka the Bodhisatta won over the Mara (Demon), the evil one. The victory was because of his perfections which had been done for four asankheyyas and one hundred thousand kappas. After that he attained pubbenivasa nana (faculty to recall past existence) at nightfall. At midnight he attained dibbacakkhu nana (super-human vision). At dawn the Bodhisatta achieved asavakkhaya nana (the noble insight, arahatta magga citta) that is absolute eradication of all defilements (kilesa) in mind.

Then he had attained subbannuta nana and became the supereme Buddha, the Exalted One, the Enlightened One. That was in 103 Maha Era (588 BC) on Wednesday, the full moon day of Kason. He was 35 at that time. The earth shook heartily and severely due to the power and glory of Buddha's enlightenment. He stayed at the seven places (satta sattaha) for seven days each to achieve fruition, to show miraculous power, and to take into consideration of abhidhamma.

From that time onward, the Buddha was indeed experienced the noble truth in the ultimate purity. So, he became a Sammasambuddha. In bhadda kappa the Gotama Budha was the fourth noble one, endowed with nine attributes. The Exalted one is:  
  1. indeed worthy,  
  2. fully self-enlightened, 
  3. perfect in knowledge and conduct, 
  4. well-gone or well-spoken, 
  5. knower of the worlds, 
  6. incomparable in taming beings, 
  7. the teacher of gods and men, 
  8. enlightened, and 
  9. blessed. Also incomparable, the most honourable, the most difficult to see, rare and worthy of treasure in the universe was the only Lord Buddha.
The Buddha reached to Ajapala Bodhi tree from Rajayatana. Soon after reaching, he bore upon Dhamma in his mind and realized that the Dhamma is too much subtle for the wisdom of layman (puthujana). Most people's mind is full of three, namely greedy (loba), angry (dosa), and ignorance (moha). The Dhamma against these three does not deserved them. So, the Buddha had nature of things not to preach. At the request of Sahampati Brahma, the Buddha made a promise. Since then he began his ministry within the span of life. He then went to Migadavon forest.

Posted by Nyan U.