Saturday, November 14, 2009

Buddha Desana in a Nutshell

In Migadavon forest, at the time of dusk and moonrise, on Saturday, the full moon day of Waso, Lord Buddha started expounding the first sermon. It was known as Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta" in which middle way (Mijjhimapatipada) was explained to the first five monks (Panca Vaggi).

Throughout 45 years as a founder of Buddhism, he preached the sentient beings how to be emancipated from the cycle of births and deaths (samsara). Meanwhile, he taught the countless numbers of sermons (desana). Briefly, the Four Noble Truths were short and to the point of Whole Dhamma of the Buddha.

Out of the Four Noble Truths, suffering (dukkha) and origin of suffering (samudhaya) are lokiya and cessation of suffering (nirodha) and right path to nibbana (magga) are lokkuttara. In this case, Samudhaya is the cause and Dukkha is the effect; similar is Magga and Nirodha. Therefore, whether in Lokiya or Lokkuttara, it is clear-cut of cause and effect.

Thus, he showed that every rising had a cause and no effect came if the eradication of cause occurred. This process was known as the Dependent Origination (Paticcasamuppada). So, the essence of the Buddha's Dhamma is the only one to attain Nibbana.

With great compassion he took a non-stop propagation of his doctrines for all beings to get out of the cycle of rebirths. The Buddha's life was a practical example of the Dhamma he taught as such.

After having done his duties and responsibilities as a Buddha, he realized cessation of all Dukkha of Khandha (Parinibbana). In 148 Maha Era (543 BC), on Tuesday, the full moon day of Kason before dawn, he expired at the age of 80, in Kusinara, India. The Buddha said the very last words to his disciples as follows:

Handa dani bhikkhave amantayami vo, vaya dhamma sankhara, appamadena sampadetha.

This Pali stanza means _ Behold, monks! Now I'll admonish all of you. All conditioned things are changeable and not lasting. With steadfast mindfulness, endeavour to win your own liberation.”

Posted by Nyan U.

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