Saturday, February 25, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [56]

ကိုယ့္ကိုယ္ကို သိပါ / U Kavidhajajoti (Kaung Hsu Wei) Mindon, Oct 16, 2010.
How to live one's valuable life long; the way the Buddha strove to be enlightened; prevent- ing the mind from being influence by Kilesa; advice to examine oneself and make use of one's realization. Listen more
ေတာရွင္းတရားေတာ္ (-) / Dr Ashin Kovida (Majjhimagonyi)  Yangon, Apr 1, 2006.
Why one needs to discard Kilesa; essential facts to dispel Kilesa; attribute of the Buddhist monk's robe. Listen more (1); Listen more (2)
ေနာက္ဆုံးစကား (-) / Dr Ashin Kovida  (Majjhimagonyi) Yangon, Dec 30, 2006.
Referring to the “Parinibbana Sutta”, mentioned: the last word of the Buddha; four foundation of mindfulness (Satipatthana) and way to observe; benefits of Vipassana. Listen more (1); Listen more (2)
မိဘထံမွ အေႂကြး အရင္ေပးဖို႔ ႀကိဳးစားပါ / Bhaddanta Teijosara  (Bago) Pyawbwe, 1362 B.E.
Gratitudes of parents and how to repay their debts; under-standing the loving kindness of parents; disadvantages of unfilial children referring to the Bodhisatta “Golden Brah- min Duck Jataka”. Listen more
ေရႊတစ္ေန႔ ေငြတစ္ေန႔ တရားေတာ္ / Bhaddanta Teijosara (Bago) Bago, 1369 B.E.
Advising to extract the essence of merit from the non- valuable Khandha, giving “Udayabhadda Jataka” as an example. Listen more
လကၡဏာျမင္မွ အရူးေပ်ာက္မယ္ တရားေတာ္ /Ashin Punna Nanda. Yangon, Aug 21, 2005.
Mentioned: the characteristics of Anicca (impermanency) and Anatta (not self); similes of five aggregates; way of observing Rupa and Nama to attain Anatta Nana. Listen more
သီလလံုျခဳံရုံႏွင့္ မတင္းတိမ္ပါနဲ႔ (သလႅႏွင့္ အဘယေဟာ-
သစ္တုံး ဥပမာ
) / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Sep 1, 1958.
Giving a log as an example mentioned: that observing Sila only is not enough to attain Nibbana; how combination of Samadhi and Panna is important in attaining Nibbana; Sankhara Dukkha and Asankhata Sukha. Listen more
အရူးေပ်ာက္ဖို႔ဆိုတာ ဘာဝနာ(၄၀) တရားေတာ္ /Ashin Punna Nanda. Yangon, Aug 20, 2005.
Defining Santati and Santhana Pannatti; twelve Vippallasa that dwell in Putujjana; Anicca Nana that realize appear- ance and disappearance of Rupa and Nama; way of obser- ving while eating; difference between Sotapanna and Arahat. Listen more
အသိပညာႏွင့္ အတတ္ပညာ / U Kavidhajajoti (Kaung Hsu Wei) Yangon, Aug 25, 2010.
Description of skill and knowledge; how to live with digni- ty. Listen more
အဂၤါေလးပါးျပည္႔စံုလွ်င္ ဒုတိယဘဝမွာ ကိစၥၿပီးပုံတရားေတာ္
(ေသာတာႏုဂတသုတ္) / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Sep 2, 1958.
Explaining about the necessary facts to acquir enlighten- ment and types of person who enligh- tened in the second life with reference to “Sotanugata Sutta”. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eight Benefits of Worshipping to the Buddha

A devout Worshipping to the Buddha is advantageous both in pre- sent and in future lives. By doing so, one will gain eight benefits without wishing for them. Here they are:
1. Being honoured in places where ever one goes or arrives.
2. Being intelligence.
3. Having adequate attendants and audience who gratify.
4. Having abundant wealth and luxury.
5. Being good-looking in every existence.
6. Being loved by every one because of one's appearance and nature.
7. Having firm respect and friendship from colleagues and friends.
8. Being famous.
With trust, try to pay homage to the Buddha daily, together with the recitation of "Namo Tassa" three times.
In "Tisarana Gamaniyatthera Apadan Pali", the Buddha stated, a bhikkhu who paid obeisance once to the Vipassi Buddha did not exist in Netherworld (Apaya) for one hundred thousand aeon. He was called "Ekancalika bhikkhu" in the Gotama Buddha's time.
Kelasa, Ashin (Sasanadhaja Dhammacariya). Kanni Method Samatha-Vipassana Practice. Yangon, Department of Religious Affairs, 2006.

Posted by Aye Sat

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [55]

ကံႏွင့္လူသား / Ashin Eindaka (Tuntay Sayadaw) Yangon, 1358 B.E.
Referring to “Kammavibanga Sutta”, mentioned: how Kamma is the real personal property that manage one's life; importance of Kamma, Viriya and Panna in Loki and Lokoktara; amending oneself; discarding Mana, Tanha and Ditthi. Listen more
တရားရေတာ့ တရားႏွင့္ေပ်ာ္ / Ashin Eindaka (Tuntay Sayadaw) Yangon, 1358 B.E.
Include: doing merit in co-operation; the dependable Tri- ratana; delight of discovering the principle truth; predispo-sition; practical Vipassana with reference to“Mahakappina Bhikkhu”. Listen more
ေတာေဒယ်ပုဏၰားဝတၳဳ / U Agganyana (Kanbe phayalay kyaung) Yangon, Aug 12, 2005.
Describes the five Buddhist ideals that are hard to attain and advising to perform Dana, Sila, Samatha and Vipassa- na while one meets these ideals giving “Todeya brahmin” story as an example. Listen more
ဓမၼအစဉ္ လက္ငင္းဝင္ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Sunanda (Dhammaransi Sayadaw) Mogok, Sep 12, 2004.
Explaining about the Anantara and Samanantara Paccaya; Dittha Dhamma Kamma_an immediate effect of strong deed (merit or demerit). Listen more
နိဗၺာန္ကို ကန္႔ကြက္တဲ့ တရားငါးမ်ဳိး / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Aug 28, 1958.
Manifestation of five future dangers that prevent from attaining Nibbana; the quickest way to escape from these dangers with reference to the story of “Susima Bhikkhu”. Listen more
ပညတ္ႏွင့္ ပရမတ္ တရားေတာ္ / Bhaddanta Saddhamma Kittisara (AungSan Sayadaw) Yangon, Feb 22, 2004.
In explaining Pannatti and Paramattha mentioned: the de- finition of Pannatti and Paramattha; Sankhata and Asan- khata Paramattha; Khandha in elaboration (five) and in brief (two); types of Pannatti; advice to relate Pannatti and Paramattha; also to observe Rupa and Nama in order to be a high level buddhist. Listen more
ပပဥၥအလိုလိုက္ သိပ္မိုက္တဲ့သား တရားတာ္ / Ashin Sunanda (Dhammaransi Sayadaw) Mogok, Sep 13, 2004.
Manifestation of Sahajata and Annamanna Paccaya to discard Papanca (Tanha, Mana, Ditthi).  Listen more
ပုထုဇဉ္ ပုဂၢဳိလ္တုိ႔၏ ေတြးလုံး / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Aug 26, 1958.
Explaining: the wrong thought of Puthujjana; the correct one that the Buddha stated; three dangers which one can- not avoid; how parents and children practically rescue each other from those dangers. Listen more
ေလးခုအလႊာ / U Agganyana (Kanbe phayalay kyaung) Yangon, Aug 13, 2005.
The work of Vipassana (memorize by Sanna and observe by Nana); difference between Nana eye and natural eye; why the Buddha expounded four Ahlwa _ which by knowing them dispel Vicikicca, Sakkaya and Sassata Ditthi. Listen more
သတိပဌာန္သုံးမ်ိဳး ႏွင္႔ ဝိဇၨာဉာဏ္႐ွင္းေဟာတရားေတာ္ / Bhaddanta Saddhamma Kittisara (AungSan Sayadaw) Yangon, Feb 24, 2004.
Instructing to make use of Kamma as Nana, i.e. practising Satipatthana, Satipatthana Bhavana and the end of Satipat- thana Bhavanna. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [54]

ကာလ၏ စားဖတ္ ဝါးဖတ္ မျဖစ္ေစေရး တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Aug 24, 1958.
Time_the most frightful enemy that destroy all living beings; Paticca Samuppada which show how beings are the victims of Time; way of escaping from the destruction of Time;Nibbana: with only true happiness without Time factor. Listen more
တဏွာထက္ ဒိ႒ိက ပိုေၾကာက္ဖို႔ေကာင္းပံု / U Eindavudabhivamsa (Htoogyi Sayadaw) Yangon, Sep 8, 2006.
Explaining: two areas_ lokuttara and loki; why it is essen- tial to discard Sakkaya Ditthi first; facts(conception,aging, illness, death and four netherworlds) that can create San- vega. Advice to escape from unpeaceful (Tanha, Saddha, Sanvega and Samadhi) areas and enter to the peaceful one (Panna_Nibbana). Listen more
ဓမၼပါလ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Mahagandharon Sayadaw) [no date]
Describing the only personal property that can support in one's future existence (that is, merit of performing Dana, Sila and Bhavana) with reference to“Dhammapala Jataka”. Listen more
ဓမၼဗိမာန္ တရားေတာ္ / Ashin Janakabhivamsa (Mahagandharon Sayadaw) [no date]
Manifestation of the taste of the Dhamma; observing Khan- dha; Bojjhanga_ the Dhamma that the Buddha practised. Listen more
ေမတၱာလႊမ္းၿခဳံ ေဘးရန္လုံ / Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa (Yaw Sayadaw) Yangon, Aug 25, 2004.
Origin of danger; ability of Metta (loving kindness); differ- ent ways of praying for the well-being of others (living beings_all in a group; in two groups, in three groups) referring to “Metta Sutta”; short to the point Vipassana. Listen more
ေသတတ္တဲ့နည္းနဲ႕ ေသသြားတယ္ / Ashin Eindacarabhivamsa. 1365 (B.E.)
Things that no one can prevent (aging, illness, death, effect of one's Kamma); types of good friend; a perfect death; Satipatthana_weapon to attack Kilesa. Reference_the story of “Phagguna Bhikkhu”. Listen more
သစၥာသိၿပီးမွ လွဴပါ / U Eindavudabhivamsa (Htoogyi Sayadaw) Yangon, Sep 24, 2006.
Instructions to perform Dana with Sacca Nana. Listen more
သမၼသနသုတ္ အငတ္နာေဘး တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Aug 22, 1958.
Elucidation of Tanha_ the culprit of having Khandha as well as the worst illness_ greed that can never be fulfilled; cause and result of Tanha; way to discard it; attaining Nib- bana. Listen more
အမွန္တရား လူ႔႔စြမ္းအား / Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa (Yaw Sayadaw) Yangon, Jul 23, 1998.
Truth_ the ability of human; explanation of four Noble Truth; Sila, Samadhi, Panna_ the exit of life to Nibbana. Listen more
အလွပိုျမင့္ ပန္းသုံးပြင့္ / Ashin Eindacarabhivamsa. Thayetkon, Apr 4, 2004.
Describing Uposatha (observance of precepts); different ways of observing precepts; advice to rely only on the Dhamma and to perform Dana, Sila, Bhavana before being defeated by old age, sickness and death giving “Patacari” as an example. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Audiography on Theravada Dhamma Discourses [53]

ကိုယ့္ဘက္သာ ကိုယ္ဆြဲသည္ / Ashin Pannajota (Taunsunn, Dhamma Duta) Yangon, 1358 (B.E.)
How people persuade one another to do good or evil; the effect of doing good or evil; definition and consequences of ponnyantare (impediment endangering merit) and dhammantare (impediment endangering Dhamma); advice to meditate at every age group of life. Listen more
ေက်းဇူး႐ွင္ျမတ္ ေက်းဇူးဆပ္ / U Janitalankara. Yangon, Aug 4, 2007.
Advising to repay gratitude to the Buddha by practising Vipassana; five Dullaba; weak and strong Vipassana; choosing suitable Satipatthana; Kayanupassana Satipat- thana practice using the observation of inhalation and exhalation method. Listen more
ခႏၶာ ပဋိစၥသမုပၸါဒ္ လက္ေတြ႔ ဝိပႆနာ တရားေတာ္ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Aug 14, 1958.
Proving that how Samudaya Sacca is the culprit of Dukkha Sacca by reverse order of Paticca Samuppada; practical Vipassana. Listen more
တရားနာက်င့္ရန္ ရည္ရြယ္မွန္ / Ashin Pannajota (Taunsunn, Dhamma Duta) Yangon, 1359 (B.E.)
Mentioning: what each of the four sacca is for; incorrect and correct objectives of listening to the Dhamma and meditation. Listen more
ထင္တိုင္း မႀကဲ ႏွင့္ / Dr Ashin Chekinda (Dhammaduta) Yangon, May 27, 2001.
Differentiation between Micchaditthi (person having false belief) and Samaditthi (person having right belief) with reference to “Ekapuggala Sutta”. Listen more
ဓမၼာ ႏုပႆနာ အလုပ္ေပး တရား / U Janitalankara. [no date]
Dhamma exercise on Dhammanupassana. Listen more
ဘဝ ေနမဝင္မီ / Vanavasi Ashin Nyeyadhammasami (Maha Bodhimyaing Sayadaw) Jun 13, 1997.
Highlighting: Tanha and Upadan, carelessness and mindfulness. Listen more
မေသမခ်င္း အလုပ္ေပး / Dr Ashin Chekinda (Dhammaduta) Hmawbi, Oct 24, 2002.
Describing the four fluxions (Asava dhamma i.e. desire, craving, wrong belief, ignorance) and how to discard them and facts to consider by meditators. Listen more
သုံးေတာ့သုံး မစြဲေစနဲ႕ / Vanavasi Ashin Nyeyadhammasami (Maha Bodhimyaing Sayadaw) Jun 14, 1997.
Description of the Buddha's teaching and five messengers of deva (newly born, old age, sick person, corpse, and executioner) referring to the “Deveduta sutta”. Listen more
အဓိပတိ သုံးပါးထား၍ အားထုတ္ရန္ႏွင့္ ေဝဒနာႏွင့္ တဏွာၾကား နိဗၺာန္ရွာပုံ / U Vimala (Mogok Sayadaw) Amarapura, Aug 13, 1958.
Instructing the ways of striving with pre-eminence to attain Magga Nana; where and how to find Nibbana. In addition, benefits of performing insight knowledge are mentioned. Listen more

Posted by Nyan U and Aye Sat