Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Theravada Audio Dhamma (22)

Chekinda, Dr Ashin (Dhammaduta, Hmawbi). တစ္သက္လုံးေန တတ္ေအာင္။ [How to Stay Throughout the ife]. [no date]
Manifestation of Vipassana Nana which include:
definition; attention; obtaining and inhibition of Vipassana Nana. 
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Chekinda, Dr Ashin (Dhammaduta, Hmawbi). ဝိပဿနာအစ ဝိပဿနာအဆုံး အလုပ္ေပးတရားေတာ္။ [Dhamma Exercise on Beginning and Ending Points of Vipassana]. Hmawbi, 1 November 2001.
Include: Samatha Yanika and Vipassana Yanika persons; what Vipassana is; work of Vipassana; beginning and ending points of Vipassana.  Listen more
Janakabhivamsa, Ashin (Maha Gandhayon Sayadaw). ကံႏွင့္ ကံအက်ိဳးတရားေတာ္။ [Cause and Effect of Kamma]. [no date]
What Samsara is; Kamma Piccaya ability; necessary facts to have good Kamma effect (existence, time, personality, effort, virtue).  Listen more
Janakabhivamsa, Ashin (Maha Gandhayon Sayadaw). လူအမ်ား သိသင့္ေသာ ေက်ာင္းအလႉ။ [Donation of Monastery]. [no date]
Include: benefits of donating monastery meant for all monks; responsibilities of the donor of the monastery and its resident monks; offering Kathina robe.  Listen more
Kundalabhivamsa, Ashin (Saddhammaramsi Sayadaw). ပဒါနိယဂၤ သုတၱန္ (ၾကိဳးစားတြင္တြင္)။ [Padaniyanga Sutta (Hard Working)]. [no date]
Described: the importance of hard working in Kammatthana practice; four good chances; three ways of practising; types of observing Vedana.  Listen more
Kundalabhivamsa, Ashin (Saddhammaramsi Sayadaw). ပဒါနိယဂၤ သုတၱန္ (ေျဖာင့္စြာစိတ္ထား)။ [Padaniyanga Sutta (Honest Mind)]. 1353 B.E.
Explanation about Honesty_one of the necessary facts in practising Kammatthana; characteristics of a person who can attain Magga, Phala and Nibbana.  Listen more
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dhammapada 32 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

II- Appamadavagga, Heedfulness
9 - Nigamavasitissatthera Vatthu
Appamadarato bhikkhu, pamade bhayadassi va;
abhabbo parihanaya, nibbanasseva santike.
32: A bhikkhu who takes delight in mindfulness and sees danger in negligence will not fall away; he is, indeed, very close to Nibbana.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Theravada Audio Dhamma (21)

Nandamalabhivamsa, Dr. Bhaddanta (Rector, ITBMU). စိတ္ကို ေလ့လာသုံးသပ္ျခင္း။ [Observation of Mind]. Yangon, 1370 B.E.
Explained: two persons who can pause the process of mind; mind in human life; cause of wholesome and unwholesome consciousness.  Listen more
Nandamalabhivamsa, Dr. Bhaddanta (Rector, ITBMU). နာမ္တရားကို ေလ့လာသုံးသပ္ျခင္း။ [Observation of Nama]. Yangon, 1370 B.E.
Regarding to Namma, explained: definition; location, base and formation.  Listen more
Pannissara, Dr Ashin (Dhammaduta, Bago). ေဖၚမဲ့ ခရီးသည္။ [Unaccompanied Traveller]. Daiku, 8 December 2006.
Include: Maranassati_consideration of death; Buddha's way of observing Maranassati; process of life; two journeys that one has to travel without companion; what true happiness and misery are.  Listen more
Pannissara, Dr Ashin (Dhammaduta, Bago). ျမတ္ဗုဒၶ၏ အယူဝါဒ အလုပ္ေပးတရားေတာ္။ [The Doctrine of the Buddha]. Bago, 16 December 2005.
Mentioned: the doctrine of the Buddha (i.e. discarding Tanha); results of discarding and not discarding Tanha.  Listen more
Vimala, U (Mogok Sayadaw). လူမိုက္ႏွင့္ လူလိမၼာခြဲျခားပုံ။ [Differentiation Between Unwholesome and Wholesome Persons]. Amarapura, 28 December 1959.
Include: difference between unwholesome and wholesome persons; Vipassana Magga and Lokuttara Magga.  Listen more
Vimala, U (Mogok Sayadaw). ေသာတာပန္တည္နည္း တရားေတာ္။ [How to Become a Sotapanna]. Amarapura, 31 December 1959.
Explaining the view of Sotapanna.  Listen more
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dhammapada 31 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

II- Appamadavagga, Heedfulness
8 - Annatarabhikkhu Vatthu
Appamadarato bhikkhu,
pamade bhayadassi va;

samyojanam anum thulam,
daham aggiva gacchati.

31: A bhikkhu who takes delight in mindfulness and sees danger in negligence, advances like fire, burning up all fetters, great and small.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.   

Posted by Nyan U

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dhamma Info (5)

Khandha_ Shadow
Body casts a shadow. As the body is not firm, the shadow too will disappear.
ဝါယာမိႏၵၵ၊ ဘဒၵႏၲ (ေျမာက္ဦးဆရာေတာ္)။ ဒုကၡရင္းကာ သုခ႐ွာ
Khandha_ Wild dog
Wild dog usually search food at night and sleep all day long. It only looks for food when it is hungry. It likes to stay conveniently when it is full. Similarly, Khandha likes to stay at ease.
ပညိႆ       ရ၊ ေဒါက္တာ အရွင္ (ဓမၼဒူတ၊ ပဲခူး) ေစာင့္ထိန္းက်င့္မွ တရားရ 
Khandha and Tanha, Ditthi
Flower that grew on the rock will shake when the rock shakes. Because they are connected. Like wise, one who has Tanha and Ditthi will never be peaceful as Khandha and Tanha, Ditthi are always in connection.
ဝိမလ၊ ဦး (မိုးကုတ္ဆရာေတာ္)။ သစၥာတရားနာမႈ ႏွလုံးသြင္းမွန္မႈ 
 Posted by Aye Sat

Friday, August 9, 2013

Theravada Audio Dhamma (20)

Javana, Ashin (Metta Shin). ပထမနိဗၺာန္။ [The First Nibbana]. Yangon, 1367 B.E.
Include: the cause of cleverness; difference between Triple Gems and Five venerable persons to pay gratitude; propagation of Sasana; whether worshipping Shin Upagutta is right or wrong; suggestion to avoid making the sculpture of Dekkhinasakha; comparison of casting into Apaya by Pancanantariya Kamma and Miccha ditthi; defects of sensuality; attaining the First Nibbana.
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Javana, Ashin (Metta Shin). ျပံဳးေသမဲ့ေသ။ [Smile Death, Wry Death]. Yangon, 1365 B.E.
Mentioned: the miseries of pregnancy and death; three types of Marana; dispelling Loba and Dosa Kilesa; eight Rupa Dhatu; practical elimination of Ditthi; brief Vedananupassana practice.  Listen more
Nyanissara, Dr Ashin (Sitagu Sayadaw). သံေဝဂဉာဏ္ႏွင့္ သံေဝဂ ဘာဝနာ။ [Samvega Nana and Samvega Bhavana]. [no date]
Explained: the usefulness of a corpse; four Samvega Nana; benefits of Samvega Bhavana; the sequence of the Dhamma that the Buddha preached (Dana Katha, Sila Katha, Sakka Katha, Adinava Kammanta Katha, Nikkhama Katha and Sacca Katha); changing Samvega Nana into Dhamma Cekkhu Nana with an example story about a rich man's son Rassa.  Listen more
Nyanissara, Dr Ashin  (Sitagu Sayadaw).  အိုသည့္ တိုင္
ေအာင္ေကာင္းမယ့္ တရား။ [Dhamma Which Will Be Good Until Old Age]. Kyauktan, 14 November 2011.
Described: how firm the Dhamma is; four Dhamma which will be good until old age_Sila, Saddha, Panna and Ponnya.  Listen more
Sumangala, U (Daeou Sayadaw). ပဗၺတူပမသုတ္။ [Pabbatupama Sutta]. Mandalay, 6 October 2006.
Advising to practise Vipassana in time to have true happiness referring to “ Pabbatupama Sutta”.  Listen more
Sumangala, U (Daeou Sayadaw). ဝကၠလိသုတၱန္။ [Vakkali Sutta]. Mandalay, 7 October 2006.
Urging to perform Vipassana in order to escape from Samsara with reference to “Vakkali Sutta”.  Listen more
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dhammapada 30 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

II- Appamadavagga, Heedfulness
7- Magha Vatthu

Appamadena maghava, devanam setthatam gato;
appamadam pasamanti, pamado garahito sada.
30: Through mindfulness (in doing meritorious deeds) Magha became king of the devas. Mindfulness is always praised, but negligence is always blamed.

Posted by Nyan U

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dhamma Info (4)

Sasana_ Shade
Sasana resembles shade. It gives both physical and mental peacefulness to those who arrive with anxiety.
ပညိႆ       ရ၊ ေဒါက္တာ အရွင္ (ဓမၼဒူတ၊ ပဲခူး)။ အပူေတြ ့ရင္ အေအးယွဥ္ တရားေတာ္
Sasana_ Super market
From Sasana super market one can buy variety of com- modities such as causes of_longevity, beauty, being in pleasant planes of existence, nobility and attainment of Nibbana etc. Use Saddha as payment and be happy.
ေတေဇာသာရ၊ ဘဒၵႏၲ (ပဲခူး)။ ဝယ္တတ္မွ အစစ္ရ တရားေတာ္
Sasana_ Rain
Rain fall periodically. Those who want rain water must collect while raining. It is the work to be done at the exact moment. Like wise, one must do the Sasana activities while meeting with Sasana.
သုမဂၤလ၊ ဦး (ဒယ္အိုးဆရာေတာ္)။ သစၥာမိုး (၁) တရားေတာ္
Posted by Aye Sat