Saturday, March 27, 2010

Keeping the Buddhist Five Precepts (Panca Sila)

The ancestral Buddhists made a good beginning of Buddha Sasana. It starts with the most supreme refuges. They are known as the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha. When one becomes a Buddhist he recites heartily: Buddham saranam gacchami, Dhammam saranam gacchami, Samgham saranam gacchami”. This only firm promise makes someone vow to keep the Five Precepts (Panca Sila). Hence, the Buddha Sasana ends with an arahant fruition.
1. Paying Homage
For paying homage to the Buddha by means of the fivefold manner of touch, say the words in Pali and act at the same time:
Buddham Pujemi, Dhammam Pujemi, Samgham Pujemi.
I pay homage to the Buddha, I pay homage to the Dhamma, I pay homage to the Samgha.
2. Asking for Permission
The devotees first pay homage to the Buddha by reciting the words of obeisance in Burmese* of asking for permission as follow:
2a. Doing Obeisance to the Three Refuges 
O:gatha. O:gatha. O:gatha., Kayagan, Wazigan, Mano:gan, tha' kha'thein:dho: apji'tou.gou pjau'pazeigjin: akjou:hnga, Pahtama. Du.ti.ja. Ta'ti.ja., Dakjein Hnakjein Thoun:kjein mjau'aun, Hpaja:jadana Taja:jadana Thangajadana, jadana mja'thoun:pa: hnin. Hsaja tou.gou ajouathei alei:amya' le'ou'mou: jwei. Shi.khou:puzo hpu:hmjomansho. i. Ashinhpaja:.
2b. Saying Prayer
Ithou. Kado.ja.dho: Ku.dhoukan seidana tou.gjaun. Ape lei:ba:, Ka' thoun:ba:, Ya'pji', Jandhumjou: nga:ba:,'ti.taja: lei:ba:, Bja.thana.taja: nga:ba: tou.hma. akhakha'thein: kin:lu' njein:dhee hpji' jwei. Me' taja: Hpou taja: Nei'ban taja:domya'ko ja.balou i. Ashinhpaya:.
2a. Obeisance: Okasa, okasa, okasa! Venerable Sir, once,twice,thrice to tri-ratana, parents and teachers, I respectfully and humbly raise the two palms together to the forehead, in obeisance, adoration and subdue pride, so as to be free from all offences, done physically, verbally and mentally.
2b. Prayer: Owing to meritorious deeds of the benevolence, may I always be liberated from the four Apayas, the three Kappas, the eight incongruous locations, the five enemies, the four destructions and the five losses and may I very quickly attain Magga, Phala and Nibbana.   
* Myanmar-English Dictionary, Myanmar Language Commission, Yangon,1993.

3. Asking for the Five Precepts 
Aham bhante tisaranena saha pancasilam dhammam yacami anuggaham katva silam detha me bhante.
Dutiyampi “. . .” Tatiyampi “. . .” _ditto_  
Venerable sir, I ask for the five precepts together with the three refuges. Please help me observe the precepts out of compassion for me, ven sir.
For the second time . . . For the third time . . .
_ ditto _
Monk: Ya-maham vadami tam vedetha _ Repeat after me as I say.
Devotee: Ama bhante _ Yes, Venerable Sir.
4. Paying Homage to the Buddha 
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato sammasambuddhassa (three times) 
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Fully Enlightened One.
5. Taking three Refuges
Buddham saranam gacchami, Dhammam saranam gacchami, Samgham saranam gacchami 
Dutiyampi “. . .” Tatiyampi “. . .” _ditto_ 
I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dhamma, I take refuge in the Samgha. 
For the second time. . . For the third time. . . _ditto_
Monk: Saranagamanam paripunnam _ You have now completed the act of taking three refuges. 
Devotee: Ama bhante _ Yes, Venerable Sir.
6. Vowing to Observe the Five Precepts
[1] Panatipata veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: 
[1] I observe the precept of abstaining from killing any living beings.  
[2] Adinnadana veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: 
[2] I observe the precept of abstaining from taking what is not given by the owner.
[3] Kamesumicchacara veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: 
[3] I observe the precept of abstaining from committing sexual misconduct.
[4] Musavada veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: 
[4] I observe the precept of abstaining from telling lies.
[5] Suramerayamajja pama datthana veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: 
[5] I observe the precept of abstaining from taking any intoxicant or drug that causes forgetfulness.
Idaṁ me Silaṁ magga phala ñāṇassa paccayo hotu. 
May the precepts I keep be a condition for the attainment of magga and phala.
Monk: Tisranena saha pancasilam dhammam sadhukam katva appamadena sampadetha. _ Do observe the five precepts together with the Three Refuges with diligence and steadfast mindfulness. 
Devotee: Ama bhante. _ Yes, Venerable Sir.
Buddham Pujemi, Dhammam Pujemi, Samgham Pujemi.

Posted by Nyan U

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