Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dhammapada 95 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

7 - Arahantavagga, The Arahat
6 - Sariputtatthera Vatthu
Pathavisamo no virujjhati,
indakhilupamo tadi subbato;
rahadova apetakaddamo,
samsara na bhavanti tadino.

95: Like the earth, the arahat is patient and is not provoked to respond in anger; like the door-post he is firm; he is unperturbed by the ups and downs of life; he is serene and pure like a lake free from mud. For such an arahat there will be no more rebirth.
Reference: Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Monday, November 9, 2015

Dhammapada 94 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

7 - Arahantavagga, The Arahat
5 - Mahakaccayanatthera Vatthu
Yassindriyani samathangatani,
assa yatha sarathina sudanta;

pahinamanassa anasavassa,
devapi tassa pihayanti tadino.

94: The arahat whose sense-faculties are calm like horses well-tamed by the charioteer, who is free from pride and moral intoxicants - such an arahat is held dear even by the devas.
Reference: Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Dhamma Info (31)

Laziness and Right Effort

A man may be lazy in worldly affairs or in his religious life. By and large the two kinds of laziness go together. The latter kind of laziness makes a man reluctant to do good, to hear the Dhamma, to study scriptures or to meditate. We should overcome such laziness and exert unstinted and strenuous effort.

There are four kinds of right effort (Sammappadhana)....
1. the effort to prevent the arising of evil (deeds, words and thoughts) which one has, not yet committed,
2. the effort to avoid the repetition of an evil that one has committed,
3. the effort to cultivate good deeds, words and thoughts that have not yet arisen,
4. the effort to perpetuate and develop the good that one has done.

So we should avoid the evil that we see or hear of in others but that has not yet occurred to us; see that an evil that has occurred is not repeated; do the good that we have not yet done, especially Vipassana that we have not yet practised and maintain and develop the good that we have done; in particular the Samadhi and Vipassana insight that we have already gained.
Reference: Sobana, U. (Mahasi Sayadaw). A Discourse on Sallekha Sutta. 1981.

Posted by Aye Sat

Friday, October 16, 2015

Dhammapada 93 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

7 - Arahantavagga, The Arahat
4 - Anuruddhatthera Vatthu
Yassasa va parikkhina, ahare ca anissito;
sunnato animitto ca, vimokkho yassa gocaro;
akaseva sakuntanam, padam tassa durannayam.
93: The arahat is free from moral intoxicants (asavas); he is not attached to food. He has as his object liberation from existence, i.e., Nibbana which is Void and Signless. His path, like that of birds in the air, cannot be traced.
Reference: Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dhammapada 92 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

7 - Arahantavagga, The Arahat
3 - Belatthasisatthera Vatthu
Yesam sannicayo natthi, ye parinnatabhojana;
sunnato animitto ca, vimokkho yesam gocaro;
akaseva sakuntnam, gati tesam durannaya.
92: Arahats do not hoard (anything); when taking food they reflect well over it (i.e., in accordance with the three parinnas). They have as their object liberation from existence, that is, Nibbana which is Void and Signless. Their destination, like the course of birds in the air, cannot be traced.

Reference: Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (47)

Agganyana, U. ဝဋ္သုံးဝႏွင့္ တရားေတာ္။ [With Three Vatta]. Yangon, 17 Aug 2005.
Explained: five Padhanijanga; three Vatta and two

Dhammasara, U (Hsinbyu Kyun Sayadaw). နီဝရဏတရား ၅ ပါး။ [Five Nivarana]. Hsinbyu Kyun, 10 Aug 1990.
Mentioned: two covers on Nibbana and explanation
of five Nivarana with examples.

Tejosara, Baddanta (Chan Myei Myaing Sayadaw). အေျပးရပ္သူ နိဗၺာန္ယူ တရားေတာ္။ [Those Who Stop Running Will Attain Nibbana]. Yangon, 1369 B.E.
With reference to the story of Angulimala, mentioned,
how the Buddha disciplined with loving kindness
(Metta) and things that make beings running and
stop running in Samsara.
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Friday, August 28, 2015

Dhammapada 91 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

7 - Arahantavagga, The Arahat
2 - Mahakassapatthera Vatthu
Uyyunjanti satimanto, na nikete ramanti te;
hamsava pallalam hitva, okamokam jahanti te.
91: The mindful strive diligently (in the Tranquillity and 
Insight Development Practice); they take no delight in the 
home (i.e., in the life of sensual pleasures); like swans 
(hamsa) that forsake the muddy pool, they abandon all 
home life (i.e., all cravings).

Posted by Nyan U

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dhamma Info (30)

Eight Vijja attained by the Buddha

Vijja is knowledge, the light. The Buddha attained the following forms of knowledge at the First Watch of the night on Wednesday, the full moon of the month of Kason, Great Era. (103):
1. The knowledge of recollection of past lives.
2. The knowledge of divine eyes.
a. the knowledge of passing away and reappearance.
b. the knowledge of destiny according to one's deeds.
c. the knowledge of future.
3. The knowledge of cessation of taint or canker (Asava).
4. The knowledge of supernormal power.
5. The knowledge of divine ears.
6. The knowledge of penetration of mind or knowing other's mind.
7. The knowledge of insight (Vipassana).
8. The knowledge of transformation of self or of creation of mind-made self out of the same body.
Reference: Fundamentals of Buddhism by Ashin Eindaka (Nyaungkanaye Sayadaw). 2009.
Posted by Aye Sat

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Dhammapada 90 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

7 - Arahantavagga, The Arahat
1 - Jivakapanha Vatthu
Gataddhino Visokassa, vippamuttassa sabbadhi;
sabbaganthappahinassa, parilaho na vijjati.
90: For him (an arahat) whose journey is ended, who is free from sorrow and from all (e.g. khandha aggregates), who has destroyed all fetters, there is no more distress.
Reference: Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.
Posted by Nyan U

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (46)

Kovida, Dr Ashin (Majjhima Gonyi). သတိစြမ္းအား။ [Power of Mindfulness]. Insein, 6 December 2009.
Mentioned: what and how long people forgot; cause
of catastrophes;
results of mindfulness and heedless-

Revata, Ashin (Mula Kathitwine). ဝိပႆနာအလုပ္ေပး ၃၊ သမထတရား (၃) (၄)။ [Vipassana Exercise_Samatha]. [no date]
Include: seven mental actions; Appana Samadhi and
Samadhi; three ways of doing obeisance;
defeating new mental
action with Samatha; method
of combining Samatha and Vipassana
to attain
Nibbana; four facts of Magga Sacca; nature of
Silanandabhivamsa, Ashin. တရားရတနာတရားေတာ္။ [Dhamma Gem]. USA, 21 July 1991.
Described: definition of Dhamma; what is Dhamma;
to whom and
how the Dhamma hold; six attributes of
Dhamma; why Dhamma is
to be revered.

Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dhamma Info (29)

Charity for Birthday

If you want to do some meritorious deed for your birthday
you should be doing it always.
For you are born and you die every moment.
Janakabhivamsa, Ashin (Maha Gandharon Sayadaw). The Aphorisms. 1998.

Posted by Aye Sat

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Dhammapada 87-89 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
11 - Pancasata Agantukabhikkhu Vatthu

Kanham dhammam vippahaya, sukkam bhavetha pandito;
oka anokamagamma, viveke yattha duramam.
Tatrabhiratimiccheyya, hitva kame akincano;
pariyodapeyya attanam, cittaklesehi pandito.
Yesam sambodhiyangesu, samma cittam subhavitam;
adanapatinissagge, anupadaya ye rata;
khinasava jutimanto, te loke parinibbuta.
87 & 88: The man of wisdom, leaving the home of craving and having Nibbana as his goal, should give up dark, evil ways and cultivate pure, good ones. He should seek great delight in solitude, detachment and Nibbana, which an ordinary man finds so difficult to enjoy. He should also give up sensual pleasures, and clinging to nothing, should cleanse himself of all impurities of the mind.
89: Those, with mind well-developed in the seven Factors of Enlightenment (bojjhanga), having rid themselves of all craving, rejoice in their abandonment of attachment. Such men, with all moral intoxicants eradicated, and powerful (with the light of Arahatta Magganana), have realized Nibbana in this world (i.e., with Khandha aggregates remaining).
Reference: Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dhamma Info (28)

Person who Waste Time
There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the
same place, so it doesn't matter which path you take. The only
person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain,
telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.
(Hindu Proverb)
Reference: Dhammakamo Bhikkhu. Garden of Mangala. 2014.

Posted by Aye Sat

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (45)

Candasara, Ashin (Kyaungkon Sayadaw). လွတယ္ဆိုတာဘယ္မွာလဲ။ [Where is the Beauty?]. Tavoy, 29 Sep 2009.
Explained: two types of reforming oneself; how
nothing is beautiful in Khanda.

Sobhana, Ashin (ShweMyintMo Sayadaw). ယခုေနာင္ခါ ခ်မ္းသာေရး။ [To be Peaceful Now and Then]. Yangon, 25 Jan 2014.
Mentioned: four Sampadha; four facts to be ruined;
four facts to be prosper at present; four facts to be
peaceful in future life; thirteen types of conscious-
ness; observation of hearing consciousness and
Dosa (anger) consciousness.

Teijosara, Ashin (Chin Taungdan Propagating Sayadaw). [Giving the Precepts]. သီလေပး။ Yangon, 2 Aug 2012.
Include: clarification of taking precepts_objectives of
making obeisance with Okasa supplication, solicita-
tion for the precepts, adoration to the Buddha, taking
of three refuges; the starting days of Dhamma and
Samgha refuges; advice to keep precepts taken
without breaking any of them.

Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dhammapada 85-86 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
10 - Dhammassavana Vatthu
Appaka te manussesu,
ye jana paragamino;

athayam itara paja,

Ye ca kho sammadakkhate,
dhamme dhammanuvattino;

te jana paramessanti,
maccudheyyam suduttaram.

85: Few among men reach the other shore (Nibbana); all the others only run up and down on this shore.
86: But those who practise according to the well-expounded Dhamma will reach the other shore (Nibbana), having passed the realm of Death (i.e., samsara), very difficult as it is to cross.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dhammapada 84 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
9 - Dhammikatthera Vatthu
Na attahetu na parassa hetu,
na puttamicche na dhanam na rattham;
na iccheyya adhammena samiddhimattano,
sa silava pannava dhammiko siya.
84: For his own sake or for the sake of others, he does no evil; nor does he wish for sons and daughters or for wealth or for a kingdom by doing evil; nor does he wish for success by unfair means; such a one is indeed virtuous, wise and just.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (44)

Dhammasara, U (Hsinphyukyun Sayadaw). ေကာသမၻီသုတ္ တရားေတာ္။ [Kosambi Sutta]. Hsinphyukyun, 9 Aug 1980.
Mentioned: ten insight corruptions_ obhasa (light), nana (knowledge), piti (joy), passaddhi (tranquility), sukha (happiness), adhimokkha (decision), paggaha (exertion), upatthana (establishment), upekkha (equanimity) and nikanti (attachment); seven characteristics of Sotapanna.
Janitalankara, Bhaddanta. အေကာင္းဆုံးလမ္းက သြားၾကပါ။ [Go from the Best Path]. Yangon, 1 Aug 2008.
Include: three paths and their ends (kamma, jhana and nana); four kinds of persons; level of attainment in meditation according to Susima Sutta, Anattalekkhana Sutta and Wheel of Dhamma; Sularahulovada Sutta.
Nyeyadhammasami, Vanavasi Ashin (Maha Bodhimyaing Sayadaw). သခၤါရ ႏွင့္ အသခၤါရ။ [Sankhara and Asankhara]. 3 July 1997.
Explained: two areas of living beings (Sankhara and Asankhara), four types of Sankhara; onedemeritorious act and three meritorious actions (kamma kusala, jhana kusala and nana kusala); what Asankhara means; importance of Sati (mindfulness). 
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Dhamma Info (27)

Five kinds of vision are mentioned in Buddhist literature_
1. Buddha cakkhu_the eye of knowledge that understand the state of maturity of a being, his proclivities, etc.
2. Samanta cakkhu_the eye of knowledge that knows all there is to be known.
3. Dhamma cakkhu_the eye of knowledge that comprehends the Four Ariya Truths.
4. Dibba cakkhu_the supernormal vision like that of the devas.
5. Pasada cakkhu_the physical eye or the faculty of vision.
Reference: A Dictionary of Buddhist Terms. Ministry of Religious Affairs. 1996.  

Posted by Aye Sat

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dhammapada 83 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
8 - Pancasatabhikkhu Vatthu
Sabbattha ye sappurisa cajanti,
na kamakama lapayanti santo;

sukhena phuttha atha va dukhena,
na uccavacam pandita dassayanti.

83: Indeed, the virtuous give up all (i.e., attachment to the five khandhas, etc.); the virtuous (lit., the tranquil) do not talk with sensual desire; when faced with joy or sorrow, the wise do not show elation or depression.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Monday, April 20, 2015

Dhammapada 82 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
7 - Kanamata Vatthu

Yathapi rahado gambhiro, vippasanno anavilo;
evam dhammani sutvana, vippasidanti pandita.
82: Like a lake which is deep, clear and calm, the wise after listening to the Teaching (Dhamma) become serene.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dhamma Info (26)

The Four Guardian Dhamma

Reflecting attributes of Buddha, radiating Metta, thinking of Asubha and perceiving Marana are the four Guardian Dhamma.
(1) To expel the danger of lobha (greed), contemplate asubha (impurity of the body).
(2) To eradicate the danger of dosa (anger), radiate metta (loving kindness).
(3) To eliminate the danger of moha (ignorance), reflect the attributes of Buddha.
(4) To annihilate the danger of mana (pride), recollect marana (death).
Reference: Mottos by Ashin Kundalabhivamsa (Saddhamaramsi).
Posted by Aye Sat

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (43)

Chekinda, Dr Ashin (Dhammaduta, Hmawbi). ေျပးသူကေျပး ဆြဲသူကဆြဲ အလုပ္ေပးတရား။ [Running and Pulling]. Hmawbi, 6 Nov 2001.
Mentioned: why beings circulate in Samsara; definition of Avijja and its doing; work of Dhamma; ten Samyojana.
Kundalabhivamsa, Ashin (Saddhammaramsi Sayadaw). ပဒါနိယဂၤသုတၱန္ (ျဖစ္ပ်က္ျမင္)။ [Padaniyanga Sutta ( Observing Appearance and Disappearance)]. 1359 (B.E.)
Explaining the necessity of wisdom (panna) that knows the appearance and disappearance according to insight knowledge in Kamatthana practice.
Pannajota, Ashin (Taunzun, Dhammaduta). ဗုဒၶ၏ ၃၂ျဖာ လကၡဏာေတာ္ (၃)။ [Thirty Two Signs of the Buddha (3)]. Kyaikaw, 1357 (B.E.)
Include: why the Buddha was superior in wisdom; causes of not performing Dana; importance of consciousness; causes and effects of the three signs of the Buddha_ having fine skin that no dust can attach to it; gold colour skin; sexual organ that are concealed in a sheath.
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Monday, March 23, 2015

Dhammapada 81 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
7 - Lakundakabhaddiyatthera Vatthu
Selo yatha ekaghano, vatena na samirati;
evam nindapasamsasu, na saminjanti pandita.
81: As a mountain of rock is unshaken by wind, so also, the wise are unperturbed by blame or by praise.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dhammapada 80 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
5 - Panditasamanera Vatthu
Udakam hi nayanti nettika,
usukara namayanti tejanam;

darum namayanti tacchaka,
attanam damayanti pandita.

80: Farmers (lit., makers of irrigation canals ) channel the water; fletchers straighten the arrow; carpenters work the timber; the Wise tame themselves.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dhamma Info (25)

Think About

It is good from time to time to think about your own faults.
It is good from time to time to think about faults of others.
It is good from time to time to think about your own virtues.
It is good from time to time to think about the virtues of others.
Reference: Dhammika, S. Good question good answer. 2011.

Posted by Aye Sat

Monday, March 2, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (42)

Janakabhivamsa, Ashin (Maha Gandhayon Sayadaw). ရ႒ပါလ သုတၱန္ တရားေတာ္။ [Rathapala Sutta]. [no date]
Include: how Samyojjana is the source of Dukkha; Buddha's remedy; gist of the Dhamma in Rathapala Sutta.
Pannissara, Dr Ashin (Dhammaduta, Bago). တရားေဆးကိုေသာက္ သုံးပါ။ [Take the Dhamma Remedy]. Bago, 16 December 2005.
Described: three Akusala Vitek; Dhamma remedy to tame one's mind_ Asupa bhavana, Metta bhavana, Anapanassati, Anicca Sanna.
Vimala, U (Mogok Sayadaw). အသိလိုက္ရန္တရားေတာ္။ [Having Realization]. Amarapura, 1 January 1960.
Ditthi_the most important Dhamma that prevent from the attainment of Nibbana; discarding Ditthi; way to secure mind.
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Monday, February 23, 2015

Dhammapada 79 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
4 - Mahakappinatthera Vatthu
Dhammapiti sukham seti, vippasannena cetasa;
ariyappavedite dhamme, sada ramati pandito.
79: He who drinks in the Dhamma lives happily with a serene mind; the wise man always takes delight in the Dhamma (Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma) expounded by the Noble Ones (ariyas).
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Friday, February 20, 2015

Dhammapada 78 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6 - Panditavagga, The Wise
3 - Channatthera Vatthu

Na bhaje papake mitte, na bhaje purisadhame;
bhajetha mitte kalyane, bhajetha purisuttame.
78: One should not associate with bad friends, nor with the vile. One should associate with good friends, and with those who are noble.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.

Posted by Nyan U

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dhamma Info ( 24 )

Sharing Love

For the mindful one, there is always good;
For the mindful one, happiness increases;
For the mindful one, things go better,
Yet he may not be freed from hate.

But one who both day and night
Takes delight in harmlessness,
Sharing love with all that lives-
That one has hate for no one.
Reference: Dhammika, Bhante S. Words of the Buddha. 2013.  

Posted by Aye Sat

Monday, February 2, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (41)

Nandamalabhivamsa, Dr. Bhaddanta (Rector). စိတ္၏အညစ္ အေၾကးမ်ား။ [Impurities of Mind]. Yangon: 1370 B.E.
Described: natural mind; fourteen dirt of mind; purification of mind.
Nyanissara, Dr Ashin (Sitagu Sayadaw). သင္ၾကားျခင္းႏွင့္ သင္ယူျခင္း။ [Teaching and Learning]. Mandalay: 1370 B.E.
Mentioned: how Asia is a Noble Continient; four races; whom to do obeisance; qualification of teacher and student; teaching and learning balance; way to be a wise man.
Sumangala, U (De ou: Sayadaw) သစၥာမိုး (၁)။ [Sicca Rain (1)]. Katha: 2006.
Include: why the Boddhisatta started with Dana Parami to become the Buddha; how Dana is one of the causes to attain Nibbana; the true Dana; advice to know the true Dana and to practise.
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat

Friday, January 23, 2015

Dhammapada 77 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6- Panditavagga, The Wise
2- Assajipunabbasuka Vatthu
Ovadeyya'nusaseyya, asabbha ca nivaraye;
satam hi so piyo hoti, asatam hoti appiyo.
77: The man of wisdom should admonish others; he should give advice and should prevent others from doing wrong; such a man is held dear by the good; he is disliked only by the bad.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.
Posted by Nyan U

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dhammapada 76 [Khuddaka Nikaya]

6- Panditavagga, The Wise
1- Radhatthera Vatthu
Nidhinamva pavattaram,
yam passe vajjadassinam;

niggayhavadim medhavim,
tadisam panditam bhaje;

tadisam bhajamanassa,
seyyo hoti na papiyo.

76: One should follow a man of wisdom who rebukes one for one's faults, as one would follow a guide to some buried treasure. To one who follows such a wise man, it will be an advantage and not a disadvantage.
Mya Tin, Daw, tr. The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories. Rangoon: Burma Tipitaka Association, 1986.
Posted by Nyan U

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dhamma Info (23)

Act like Water
Just as water cools both good and bad,
And washes away all impurity and dust,
In the same way you should develop thoughts of love, 
To friend and foe alike,
And having reached perfection in love,
You will attain enlightenment.
Dhammika, Bhante S. Words of the Buddha. 2013.
Posted by Aye Sat

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Theravada Audio Dhamma (40)

Nyanobasa, Ashin (Thazin Yeikyaw Sayadaw). ႏွလုံးသြင္းမွန္ရန္။ [To Have Right Consideration]. [no date]
Explained how right consideration is necessary in attaining Nibbana with various examples.

Suria, U (Shwemann Sayadaw). သာသနာငါးေထာင္။ [Five Thousand Years of Buddhist Era]. Yangon: 26 December 2009.
Include: what Samsara and Nibbana are; perpetrator of suffering; dispelling ditthi; five Buddhist Eras.
Vijaya, Ashin (Mula Dhamma Sayadaw). ေၾကာင္းက်ိဳးခ်ဳပ္ျငိမ္း ဒုကၡသိမ္း။ [Ending of Cause and Effect Means Ending of Suffering]. [no date]
Described: definition of Avijja; Avijja Piccaya Samkhara; origin and extra Sacca; four facts to amend wrong doing.
Posted by Nyan U & Aye Sat